Want a kid so bad

im 15 and I have a friend that is pregnant and she is in my honors classes an I don’t know what to do. and me and my boyfriend wants a kid soo bad but then again we dont. . my boyfriend and I have talk to our pastor and he suggested on taking classes. but what do you think we should do. this is what I think I think we should because of how my friends and my family houses are being right now. like they yell a lot my stepmomma is gone with the millitary and everything. SO we should we do

Answer #1

I totally agree with mandyloo…I have 3 kids.

Now, having a baby will not fix anything in your houses. If anything it will hurt it. Your parents are not going to want to pay for this baby, your boyfriends parents are not going to want to. How are you going to support it? How would you give it a place to live? Who would take care of it when you’re in school? Are you prepared to stay home from school functions or going out with friends because you need to change a poopy diaper? What will you do when the baby is sick and there is no one to take it to the doctor…you can’t drive. Babies are not something that should be had because you want to fix something…or because you think that it will make you and your boyfriend closer. They are something precious that should be brought into this world when you’re old enough to take care of it properly…without the help of your parents.

Answer #2

You are wanting a child for the wrong reason’s, and you are too young.

You say you want a child, did you know that just the first year - a baby cost 10,000 dollars, and that’s not including medical bills, hospital bills, and doctor bills. Even with a minimum wage job - you can not afford that.

Also, let me explain this too you. Pregnancy and Birth are not as glam as people think it is. I just had my baby 5 months ago. Let me describe it. This is all 100 percent true, and not even half of what happens

The Pregnancy: -the swollen body parts that ache -the constipation -the hemmroids -the aching breast -the not being able to get up of the sofa by yourself -the strechmarks -the morning (allday) sickness -the kicks the baby gives to your ribs -the frequent urination -the constant pap smears -the blood work -Wanting to eat everything in sight -The bad teeth - a lot of pregnant women’s calcium get’s sucked out during pregnancy, you have to take your vitamins and take care of your teeth. You need to be taking prenatal vitamins daily also. It’s not only important for your baby’s health, but for yours also. A child sucks the nutrients out of you and you need those vitamins to keep yourself healthy.

The Birth: -Your pushing something the size of a watermelon out of something the size of a pea. -You are most likely going to tear, sometimes from front to back. -You get stitches. -You get poked in the back for the epidural -The epidural usually just takes the contractions away not the pressure -The pressure is a whole different kind of pain, imagine all your intestines, trying to escape from your vagina. -The contrations are like period cramps times a million. -The nurses are coming in every 30 seconds, to stick their fingers in you to check for dialation, give you a catheter to drain the pee out of you, and to poke around down there. -You can not eat or drink the ENTIRE time you are in labor. All you get is ice chips. -There the ring of fire, as they call it when the baby’s head crowns, it really does feel like your vagina is on fire and ripping! -90 percent of women take a crap while they are pushing the baby out, you can’t stop this from happening.

After the Birth: -Then afterwards, you have the fun adventure of bleeding for up to 6 weeks. The first time you get up out of the hospital bed after giving birth, blood and fluid gushes from your vagina all over the floor. -You’ll most likely pass blood clots after giving birth too. If you dont get to the bathroom fast enough, they can fall down your pantsleg. -Dont forget, no tampons! Only big nasty pads for the next 6 weeks! -Your breast will be engored and sore and will leak milk from anywhere from 1 week to 3 months. It is painful and you have to wear bra pads in order to keep from leaking through to your shirt.

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