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Forever love?
Do you believe in EVERLASTING love? I mean the romantic kind of love (ie boyfriend-girlfriend, husband-wife kind), not the kind between your old man and yourself
Absolutely. If the two people are compatiable and willing to work on the relationship, it can work. Although both people have ot be completely 50-50 into the relationship and both put for the effort.
My parents got married right out of highschool, they are still together more than 25 years later and just as happy as they were when they were teenagers.
well… I m now having this feeling so yes I do beleave of this kind of love & tell you what makes me more sure… I was kinda playboy at past but… when I met this girl I was like obsessed with her crazy to see her insane to hear her voice …& she have the same to me… & I cant imagine someday we could even get mad of eachother…:) I hope for you to find this amazing feeling of love :) :)
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How do I find my true love, everyone is playing with me I dont know why.
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I messed up with my ex-girlfriend but I realied that I love her. So what should I do to get her back?
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how do I no if I've found my true love???
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