does your boyfriend ever yell or get mad at you?

cause my boyfriend always be trippin over little stuff. yesterday the ignition in MYY car fell off. all you have to do is put it bakk in and its fine. but he got all mad and told me every day I fuhk up sumthin different on the car. why does he care anyways dammm. and when he gets mad like that I just walk away and sit down by myself and try not to get depressed and start crying. has your boyfriend ever yelled at you? if so, what for and what was your reaction?

Answer #1

My ex yelled at me all the time too. That was one of the many reasons we broke up. If it’s over something stupid just try and let it go and not let it bother you. Don’t keep it in though talk to him about what you’re feeling and ask why he has to keep getting mad. It’s not your fault that things happen with your car.

Answer #2

Yes, he does and over stupid and frivolous stuff like not handing him something fast enough - he decides just what is fast is slow - what a croc! He always cuts me off right when I am answering a question he just asked. When I ask him why he cuts me off and starts yelling, he says he is not yelling. I say BS. He is so loud and says such hurtful things, I can’t believe my ears. I can’t tolerate it at all. He also tries to say that I start arguments. Again BS. I am simply answering a question and he starts screaming or tells me to shut up right in the middle of my answer. AND it’s not like I have this long, drawn out answer either. He is so rude and hurtful so often. I hate it! Another thing he does that just torks me off is he complains about gifts - and they are things he asked for. I cannot do one blasted thing to please this guy - not one! I feel for everyone of you ladies on this board. It is not right for anyone to yell at us, ever! And, the idea that we are overly sensitive is the biggest line of crap I’ve been handed. Yes, I got that handed to me too. There are nice men out there and the ones we are with now are the bottom of the barrel. Lets all dump these jokers and meet back here with great stories eh?

Answer #3

my boyfriend is ALWAYS yelling at me. When I confront him about it and ask him why he is doing that (because he even does it when it is not necessary) He tries to tell me that he always talks like this and not to take it personally. He will tell me that while yelling. He tries to make it sound like I’m the one with the problem. He say’s he’s tired of me starting arguments. In his perspective, I cause arguments by not tolerating his impolite way of addressing me. If I let him yell at me we wouldn’t argue. He’s an idiot and I have to get away. Let’s just say for the sake of argument that it is my fault for starting arguments. I am still struggling with letting him yell at me without getting offended and I should get away from him just for that. Because I have a problem with the way he talks to me wether it’s right or wrong, I can’t deal with it. I have told it bothers me numerous times and the fact that he still does it means he doesn’t really care how I feel about it and he doesn’t care about what I expect out of him. So I guess he probably wouldn’t care if I wasn’t around anymore…makes sense.

Answer #4

when you and your boyfriend fight and he starts yelling at you hes trying to make you feel like you did something wrong.. if you no you didnt theres no need for you to deal with his crap you just have to do what you think is right and if hes a true man then he should back off and no that its stupid to be fighting your whole relationship.. dating and getting married is about love and if he truley loves you like most guys say they do then they shouldnt be waisting it on stupid arrguments about a text or something.. its you should spend it on dates.. dont give him any credit for the pain he caused you.. I learned that in life its about the choices you make so its time to make a choice is the arguments really worth the rest of your life? I mean you have one life why waist it on some fight you guys will forgive eachother in the end.. just let it go.. and maybe you man needs to realize to let it go to or he might drive you to the point were your done..

Answer #5

My boyfriend yelled at me all the time esp. if we were fighting, Now I dont know what kind of relationship we have now. He knew since from the start that I am a sensitive type. and for real? I really dont like someone yell at me esp my boyfriend. We talked a while ago, I expressed out my feelings towards him that I dont wanna feel this pain no more. I cried in front of him. But he told me that he gonna accept what is my decision is. I hope its easy to move on, but its hard… Because I love him. All I wanted is his changes. But He told me that it was his personality since when he was a child. and it was hard for him to change it. What I am going to do? I love my boyfriend but I dont wanna feel hurt all the time. We are planning to get married soon… Do you think is the best solution?

Answer #6

girls! I have no right to tell you to get out! honestly I am in a relationship my boyfriend ALWAYS yells at me ALWAYS is mad at me right now we are fighting its been a week since we’ve hung out and I HOPE you girls are stronger than me! and get out! I think I am going to break up with my boyfriend. things are good at times and I love him but hes just drives me nuts!

and ricckale if he raises his hand to you GET OUT! my boyfriend hasnt ever done that thank God-YET at least. but I think all 3 of us should dump them and let them be alone! for being mean and stupid! and making us cry a lot!

Answer #7

My ex always yelled at me when things weren’t explained fully to him. And I did the same thing you did walk away and start crying…You should talk to him about that tell him it bothers you…I told my ex but its little too late for that now.

Answer #8

yes all the time infact he even raises his hand on me what should I do

Answer #9

All of these things all you girls say happen to a lot of girls I realize; including me./: My boyfriend(of two years) hurts me constantly, says hurtful things, raises his voice and yells, and he’s never pleased! With anything I ever do. He’s unbelievable! Uhh! And after hurting me and making me cry he starts getting all lovey dovey with kisses and hugs and what not thinking that it makes everything right again. These guys need to get a clue!); I know it’s going to hurt; but the best thing to do is get out now before your married and find the guy who’s right for you. If your boyfriend is doing these things he’s not the one for you. As much as it may hurt he’s not right for you and we all know we deserve better we just may not realize it.

Answer #10

When things don’t go his way or he feels cornered by how I’m feeling my boyfriend yells or gets pissed very very easily. He keeps making me out to be the bad guy and it makes me resent him all the more bc he refuses to change what he doesn’t like about himself. It pisses me off that I let myself get into this situation but it gives me hope that right now were going through couples therapy too. He admits he has issues and for the most part is sensitive to my needs but what he needs to learn is that no one can make him happy except him. Plus he’s demonstrated over and over again that he really is committed to changing-he just doesn’t know how to do it properly. lol

Answer #11

yes my boyfriend is like the king of yelling and making me feel like nothings at times…sometimes when I call he answer the phone like “what do you want” mind you we havent talked all day so I at least like to talk to him once cause but he make it hard for me to even ask him questions he say that I questioned him like im his mother and all I ask is how your day and how was school its like he always got something negative to say towards me and then when I want to talk about the way he talks to me he says that I blow things out of whack and then that makes me mad so I hang up but he doesnt call back to apology or nothin and when I do call back I try to just move on and he still wnts to yell and carry like how im needy and that we shouldnt talk everyday…I just sp confused but when I have to do somethin for him he acts all nice and say how much he loves me sooo I think I might end this stupid relationship tear…

Answer #12

Yes EVERYDAY. It can be as simple as something has fallen off the side onto the floor, or as complicated as a car blowing up - same spiralling reaction where even though there is no problem he starts having a fit, yelling at the top of his voice, then denying that he is yelling (like he actually doesn’t know he’s doing it) he then gets worked up about the fact that he doesn’t think he’s yelling (when he’s literally shouting at the top of his lungs) until the point where he foams at the mouth and can’t even yell properly - at this point he won’t calm down for ANYTHING and either has to leave or everyone else does, the period before he leaves will be filled with verbal abuse, screaming directly in your face to get his point across that this ridiculous behaviour is “my fault” (…obviously) - this then somehow turns into violent lashing out to everything around him - recently the most ridiculous has been picking up the sofa and trying to throw it across the room.

Walking away/crying makes everything worse, in the initial stages of this behaviour he was never as bad - he would just yell and then push me when frustrated. But at the same time he lived with his mother at the time and she got the treatment that I now get.

Not going to lie: trait of abuse - I try to ignore that but I know it is. My boyfriend has severe problems though, and a violent background - if any one who reads this has experienced similar with a partner really really be careful, it is easy to become a victim of controlling, violent behaviour.

Answer #13

Yes EVERYDAY. It can be as simple as something has fallen off the side onto the floor, or as complicated as a car blowing up - same spiralling reaction where even though there is no problem he starts having a fit, yelling at the top of his voice, then denying that he is yelling (like he actually doesn’t know he’s doing it) he then gets worked up about the fact that he doesn’t think he’s yelling (when he’s literally shouting at the top of his lungs) until the point where he foams at the mouth and can’t even yell properly - at this point he won’t calm down for ANYTHING and either has to leave or everyone else does, the period before he leaves will be filled with verbal abuse, screaming directly in your face to get his point across that this ridiculous behaviour is “my fault” (…obviously) - this then somehow turns into violent lashing out to everything around him - recently the most ridiculous has been picking up the sofa and trying to throw it across the room.

Walking away/crying makes everything worse, in the initial stages of this behaviour he was never as bad - he would just yell and then push me when frustrated. But at the same time he lived with his mother at the time and she got the treatment that I now get.

Not going to lie: trait of abuse - I try to ignore that but I know it is. My boyfriend has severe problems though, and a violent background - if any one who reads this has experienced similar with a partner really really be careful, it is easy to become a victim of controlling, violent behaviour.

Answer #14

Yes EVERYDAY. It can be as simple as something has fallen off the side onto the floor, or as complicated as a car blowing up - same spiralling reaction where even though there is no problem he starts having a fit, yelling at the top of his voice, then denying that he is yelling (like he actually doesn’t know he’s doing it) he then gets worked up about the fact that he doesn’t think he’s yelling (when he’s literally shouting at the top of his lungs) until the point where he foams at the mouth and can’t even yell properly - at this point he won’t calm down for ANYTHING and either has to leave or everyone else does, the period before he leaves will be filled with verbal abuse, screaming directly in your face to get his point across that this ridiculous behaviour is “my fault” (…obviously) - this then somehow turns into violent lashing out to everything around him - recently the most ridiculous has been picking up the sofa and trying to throw it across the room.

Walking away/crying makes everything worse, in the initial stages of this behaviour he was never as bad - he would just yell and then push me when frustrated. But at the same time he lived with his mother at the time and she got the treatment that I now get.

Not going to lie: trait of abuse - I try to ignore that but I know it is. My boyfriend has severe problems though, and a violent background - if any one who reads this has experienced similar with a partner really really be careful, it is easy to become a victim of controlling, violent behaviour.

Answer #15

Yes EVERYDAY. It can be as simple as something has fallen off the side onto the floor, or as complicated as a car blowing up - same spiralling reaction where even though there is no problem he starts having a fit, yelling at the top of his voice, then denying that he is yelling (like he actually doesn’t know he’s doing it) he then gets worked up about the fact that he doesn’t think he’s yelling (when he’s literally shouting at the top of his lungs) until the point where he foams at the mouth and can’t even yell properly - at this point he won’t calm down for ANYTHING and either has to leave or everyone else does, the period before he leaves will be filled with verbal abuse, screaming directly in your face to get his point across that this ridiculous behaviour is “my fault” (…obviously) - this then somehow turns into violent lashing out to everything around him - recently the most ridiculous has been picking up the sofa and trying to throw it across the room.

Walking away/crying makes everything worse, in the initial stages of this behaviour he was never as bad - he would just yell and then push me when frustrated. But at the same time he lived with his mother at the time and she got the treatment that I now get.

Not going to lie: trait of abuse - I try to ignore that but I know it is. My boyfriend has severe problems though, and a violent background - if any one who reads this has experienced similar with a partner really really be careful, it is easy to become a victim of controlling, violent behaviour.

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