What to do

Well my friends told me my boyfriends getting me something fer christmas and I want to get him something but he told me he didnt want me to get him anything but I still want to get him something but I want it to be special.. And I was thinking about giving him a bj buuut itd be my first time and we havent been going out fer a long time and im afraid hed only want me fer like bjs :l so what should I do?

Answer #1

it was onlyy a thought lauren :o and other people! I dont even have the guts to approach him when hes around his friends.. I highlyy doubt id ever give him a blow job unless its like.. 3 years from now o.o but thankks lauren and other people :D [and lauren I AM stupidd fer even thinking of it!]

Answer #2

BRITTANY your not doing that I will not let you you’ve only been going out with him for like a month and you havent even made out yet, omg your so stupid! get him a shirt or something

p.s. people me and brittany are best friends (we met last year in school) and im the only person who could talk to her like that because I love her.

Answer #3

Don’t if you feel its not the right way to go. Just by him something - a new wallet or a watch. If you don’t want to rush into your relationship than there is no one forcing you to.

Hope it helps!

Answer #4

Giving a blowjob for christmas - is kind of tacky.

Why not just bake him some cookies, fudge, candy, treats and wrap it up in a gift basket with cook looking paper and ribbon.

Answer #5

Lol - listen to you friend doll.

Answer #6

you are 13. come up with a better Idea

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