Politics & Law Questions

  1. Should flag burning as a form of protest be prohibited?
  2. jail for STD's
  3. ok so how is it americas fault?
  4. Political beliefs
  5. The Next President of the United States
  6. Why are politics and religion such touchy subjects?
  7. What wrong with a black president?
  8. Invasion of privacy
  9. what should I do ??
  10. War with iran
  11. Peace
  12. how much money
  13. Rivals working as a team
  14. Obama admits he wasn't born in the US
  15. Why is there so much Personal Prejudice?
  16. This might sound stupid...
  17. No 60-seat majority
  18. How/why did the Armenian Genocide end?
  19. know anything about the scandinavian invasion?
  20. Is stricter punishment the answer to juvenile crime?
  21. League of nations: success??
  22. If Obama was not born in this country, what would happen?
  23. President Obama may not be our president ..
  24. Funny feeling...
  25. US Drinking Age (Change?)
  26. is it politically correct to:
  27. SECRretary
  28. Races/raciest
  29. Black People & Slavery..Why the big deal?
  30. I don't understand the U.S. anymore.
  31. Is Mexico using immigration to avoid a revolution?
  32. How can citizens help indians who are endanger of losing land?
  33. Legal Weed.
  34. so true, right?
  35. what do you think?
  36. Are there differences to Police forces in other countries?
  37. Is india a superpower
  38. The Real first president?
  39. who was the first president of USA?
  40. How has the economic crisis affected your lives so far?
  41. was george bush a cheer leader
  42. Is Human Compassion One-Sided?
  43. Hillary Sec of state?
  44. Why does anarchy fail?
  45. Whats the best ways to be politically active?
  46. Is non violence a end to a beginning?
  47. Considering all points of view
  49. Why so many innocent deaths?
  50. Governor craziest idea?
  51. How stupid are the Big Three CEO's?
  52. Prosumed consent for organ donation
  53. Progressive ideology
  54. American/UK special relationship
  55. Borock obama!
  56. Think VP Cheney will go to jail?
  57. polotics
  58. Whats some good words...?
  59. McCain should have won the election
  60. What do you think about marijuana being decriminalized?
  61. Are you accept one youth as a leater
  62. Anne and Mary Boyhn
  63. What are the dangers of pacificism when talking about nations?
  64. Why does the us maintain such a large army?
  65. Is the USA a imperial type nation?
  66. Why does the US estabilish bases across the world?
  67. Is Guantanamo the us base is that important?
  68. Who??
  69. Why do people consider rebeling includes a hair style?
  70. Anyone know how to know if the government is paying off its debt?
  71. Who came up with political correctness?
  72. Is political correctness political censorship?
  73. If hillary had another chance, would you vote for her?
  74. What happened to constitional conventions?
  75. Why limit free speech?
  76. Iraq war is it a globalist agenda?
  77. why can we be considered an adult at 17 but no rights till 18
  78. why is america in iraq?
  79. Party polotics does it lead to destruction
  80. Whats up with party polotics?
  81. What are the names of parties in civil disputes?
  82. who likes barack obama?
  83. Is science a religion?
  84. What is fascism?
  85. How best to redistribute or not to (your thoughts)
  86. Whats up with income taxes
  87. Would it be racist?
  88. Vietnam war
  89. Prop 8
  90. World government your thoughts
  91. What is true communism
  92. Socialism can it work
  93. What makes a court system fair
  94. Justify prisons
  95. Vietnam what made it important to the USA during the 1960s
  96. Patriotism good or bad
  97. This is the cause of the current war in Iraq
  98. Is it constitutional?
  99. Can a convicted felon hold public office?
  100. What political party should I make up for Economics?