why is america in iraq?

why??is it becouse of oil?

Answer #1

I don’t know about President Bush’s reasoning was but I do know that for years it had been a wet dream of some neocons to invade Iraq and then flood the world market with cheap Iraqi oil which would lead to prosperity and growth.

Answer #2

The reason the US went in was becuase it was claimed Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

Hussein is dead, and there were no WMDs, and yet, we’re still there. Lies, lies, lies.

Answer #3

who knows … maybe it was Osama bin Laden…or the previous dictator… mostly…oil I suspect… or to even the last score…remember the old Bush…wanted to take out the dictator before and couldn’t…so the son went …??? I think we needed to be involved somehow…maybe it was about Israel…???

Answer #4

If Iraq had not been sitting on top of the second largest oil reserves in the world, we would not have ever invaded.

filetofspam is right, the neocons had a hardon for saddam since the mid-90s. That was when the Project for a New American Century was organized . PNAC was a think tank founded by most of Dubya’s whitehouse staff. Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Bill Cristol, Scooter Libby, Armitage, Richard Pearl, Elliot Abrams, as well as others. Even Jeb Bush was a part of it. In 1998, PNAC sent a letter to Clinton asking him to invade Iraq. He of course ignored them. In 2000 PNAC produced a white paper describing their vision for the next century. They describe the US using the military to affect change in the Middle East and particularly Iraq. They also say that it would be hard to get the American people to go along with such an approach unless there was some catalizing event like a “new Pealr Harbor”. One year later, they got that event in the form of 9/11.

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