Health Questions

  1. Why do people keep hating when teenagerss get pregnet?
  2. Why do diabetics have to get medical forms filled out by their doctors and send them in to the D.M.V. to get their drivers license renewed?
  3. Would you ever use a Diva Cup (for the girls)?
  4. Why do I always get random knee pain?
  5. Who feels that being mature at a young age might be a problem?
  6. What is the worst case scenario with having an extreme metal sensativity and metal bands on braces?
  7. What do you think of home births?
  8. how do you counteract 160 mg of caffeine consumed in like 10 seconds ?
  9. How can I prevent getting a rash on my skin after a bath?
  10. should i use this medicine the doctor gave me?
  11. How do you deal with someone who's bipolar and manic depressive?
  12. why do you need iodine?
  13. What does it mean when you dream one of your family members getting murdered?
  14. Why am I frequently having a sharp stabbing pain in my ribs?
  15. Can I open the Biotin vitamin and pour the powder in a glass of water?
  16. What controls our balance to stay up standing straight?
  17. How does benedryl effect you personally?
  18. What treatment should you get if you alopecia areata?
  19. How do I ask my doctor for a boob reduction off the NHS?
  20. do pregnant people walk wierd?
  21. how fast can you die from a belly piercing infection ?
  22. Is 100.1 a fever?
  23. What exactly goes on underneath my birthmark?
  24. Who is certified in CPR?
  25. is it true that 10 days without sleep can kill you?!
  26. Why do I have to go to the bathroom so often?
  27. why am i so out of breath at only 14 weeks pregnant?
  28. what would happen if someone drank a whole box of mountain dew in one day?
  29. When is the best time to get pregnant with a boy?
  30. Why is my body temp 97.4?
  31. How do I get the veins in my arms to pop out more?
  32. Where do all these random pains come from?
  33. Why has my eye been twitching for the past 2 weeks?
  34. If you had a genetic disease that would kill you later in life, would you want to know?
  35. Whats wrong with my digestive system?
  36. What could cause dark orangish stools and is this normal?
  37. Why am I so scared about childbirth?
  38. Why do I need to pee, but I just did?
  39. How do you keep yourself from worring?
  40. Can Graves disease kill you?
  41. Does health insurance cover braces or how much do they really cost??
  42. why do i have such small hands compared to a lot of people i know?
  43. What is the best time of day to take birth control pills?
  44. what is pyromania?
  45. Where do all these frequent on and off headaches come from?
  46. Does 5 hour energy work?
  47. Who knows if its true that drinking alcohol will help when you are having trouble with your kidneys?
  48. Would it be bad to say your a pyro?
  49. Is it possible that I have athsma?
  50. is there any tips to help ivf have a good secess rate?
  51. How to cure my fear of heights?
  52. How much bigger would my boob's grow if I just took ONE Yasmin birth control pill?
  53. What can I do to feel better?
  54. What is good to eat if you have epilepsy?
  55. why are my hands cutting.
  56. Does anyone on here have the birth control implant IUD and what do you think of it?
  57. does getting punched in the boobs hurt girls as much as getting hit in the b*lls hurts guys ?
  58. did i put my tampon in wrong?
  59. What type of pills should i take that'll make me more confident?
  60. What is lactose?
  61. Have the causes for infertility in women changed throughout time or have they remained consistent?
  62. Can piercing your cartilage paralyse you?
  63. Why is it when you start falling asleep in class and your body twitches?
  64. What do you think are the chances of me having to get my appendix out?
  65. what kind of mouthwash is better?
  66. Do braces hurt or make your jaw sore?
  67. What should I do about these painful migraines i have been gettign more often?
  68. What are some good ways to cure a cold without going to a doctors?
  69. Is it possible to have "dimples" on the small of your back, on each side of the spine?
  70. How painful were spacers for you?
  71. Does anyone play four seasons of sports in half a year here?
  72. Is it normal to poop out bean skins?
  73. When begining birth control does every girl have to get a pelvic exam?
  74. what kind of birth comtrol is most likely to make your boobs grow ?
  75. Can you take too much of the food grade diatomaceous earth?
  76. Can a slime mold grow in or on a human body?
  77. Why do my legs go all week when i rub my clit?
  78. what is an easy way to make blisters heal faster and form calices?
  79. What are the negative side-effects of an epidermal?
  80. can anyone help with my sleeping patterns?
  81. How can you get rid of phobias without DOING it?
  82. Does it really hurt during child birth or what?
  83. How long does it approximatively take for a surgery scar to heal?
  84. Why does my period blood come out in like.. clots?
  85. how do you personally, deal with stress, trauma, anger, fear and paranoia?
  86. Would you or wouldnt you circumcise your baby boy when he was born?
  87. does having a spoonful of sugar, while drinking, stop you from getting drunk?
  88. How long as a minimum can people wear braces for?
  89. what do you think about genetic engineering going to killing people?
  90. How long should you bleed after Mirena birth control being inserted?
  91. Do headaches mean you did something worng in ur body?
  92. how fast would you freeze if you were put in nitrogen?
  93. What is the best pain reliever in your opinion?
  94. How do I know if this is a form of erctile dysfunction?
  95. How much exercise, is too much exercse??
  96. Why do I get stomach and chest pain after I eat?
  97. how long can i last without any water:)?
  98. How do you personally handle panic attacks?
  99. What's the worst pain you have had in parts of you body?
  100. is it just me or does anyone else notice that certain races have certain smells?