What's the worst pain you have had in parts of you body?

Question was asked a little weird but here’s what I mean -arm: I broke my right when I was little -hands: dislocated three of my fingers and broke my wrist at the same same time -torso:broke my collar bone -back: I just messed it up(I have no idea how) but when ever I get up I get a stinging pain in my lower back(nd my lower back in general feels tired and achy) -legs:broke my leg when I was like 1(according to my parents) -feet: never really hurt my feet but umm I have a flat foot so when I got blister from my insoles sucked so yea what were your worst pains in those areas(or others)

Answer #1

Ear infections are crippling. I had them as a child.

Answer #2

i was climbing a wall when i was like 9, and i fell with my legs open onto a door handle… may balls hurt for a week… lmfaoo

Answer #3

cavitys the dentist try to pull out my tooth when it was not numb.

Answer #4

umm worst pain i ever had, was a pain in my abdomen. it was such a sharp pain that i couldnt even move, i was pretty much in the worst amount of pain ive ever been in, and i dont know what caused it, it went away about an hr after i had it and then it never came back hopefully it wont haha this was about 4 yrs ago

Answer #5

tooth paing omg

Answer #6

Ulcer pains are right nasty. But the worst pain I had was when I had to get my appendix removed. Man that was pain I’m glad I don’t have to repeat a second time.

Answer #7

and muscle spasms in my neck can’t move it at all.

Answer #8

Kidney infection.

Answer #9

apendix, feels like a stomach ache, but worse and it feels like ts in the middle of your stomach not near the surface, oh and a concusion, that head ache lasts for 3 weeks!

Answer #10

72 hours of labour…40 of those were hard labour….and I still went through it one more time…

Answer #11

has to be stomach cramps when i got a dose of food poisoning. i was in that much pain i thought i was going to die.

Answer #12

lmao wow

Answer #13

period cramps

Answer #14

especially ur very first period. i remember i made eggs and later i started to carmp up i thought i had samonella from not cooking the eggs all the way and i didnt want to tell anyone cuz i was embarrassed and i thought i was going to die,

Answer #15

giving birth ive never experienced it but i can only imagine it doesnt feel to great

Answer #16

I’ve had my share of pain, herniated discs, fibromyalgia, kidney stones, migraines, broken bones, car accidents (nothing outrageous)…. additionally in my youth i dabbled in some pretty serious body piercing. I’d venture to say that there are definitely different levels of pain. The three major(very basic) classifications of which I would place into slight pain (paper cuts, toe stubs, piercing, small injuries etc), chronic pain and severe traumatic pain. I’ve experienced all three and I’d have to say that the chronic pain, that gnawing, hardcore pain that never goes away. Always hurting… is the worst pain. Acute pain goes away eventually and you forget how bad it was even though at the time it seems like nothing will ever feel normal. With chronic pain, it never does go away, it’s wearing, exhausting, de pleating and, it hurts. All that said, peeing out a stone still really hurts! Don’t know if that helps at all… It’s such a subjective and personal question!

Answer #17

Broken wrist which was not ‘too’ bad, healed in 2 weeks.

Answer #18

Balls pain …. is the ly pain killes me

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