Would you ever use a Diva Cup (for the girls)?

If youve never heard of this product it is the alternative to pads and tampons when dealing with your menstrual cycle. Its a small cup you place in your v@gina and remove and wash every couple of hours. Its supposed to be the new “green” thing to save money and the environment. I personally…will pass.

Answer #1

I’ve used them before, they are great for tramping and camping as they are reusable, easy and don’t create rubbish. When taking a trip in the bush, you can’t be wasting room in your pack with tampons, pads and rubbish. I think they are great.

Answer #2

I own two of them. I switched to them a year ago they are cheap on amazon so is the wash for them. I love them. You don’t have to change them as often, you can have sex, and they are not messy. They sell something similar at walgreens called instead cups which are disposable. I reccomend trying those first. They are tricky to use at first so wear a pad or panyliner the first couple days until you get the hang of it. I have saved tons of money using them! They aren’t for womem who can’t stand the sight of blood though.

Answer #3

I’m not really sure if I like the sound of it and I doubt it will end up being very popular to be honest.

Answer #4

I didnt like the sound of it but it works very well does not hurt at all

Answer #5

Sounds ridiculous. Something from the stone age

Answer #6

hah yeah

Answer #7

I was looking at those in whole foods. Is it comfortable? I wouldn’t mind using it if its comfortable, but I can only imagine having to wash it out in a public restroom. I guess I’d just have to keep a bottle of water handy….

Answer #8

No. Doesn’t sound all that hygienic. Rinsing it out isnt going to kill off all bacteria. And if they’re disposable, then what’s the point, might as well use a tampon or a pad.

Answer #9

its very comfortable you can hardly tell its there. I got two and.carry around my second one and a ziploc bag in my purse in case I have to change it while I am out.

Answer #10

instead cups are disposable. Diva cups are resusable. There is a wash made for the diva cups.

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