Would you or wouldnt you circumcise your baby boy when he was born?

Im personally against unneccasary circumcisions and my son is not circumcised. There is no medical reason to remove a piece of his body, am i dont think cosmetic reasons are good enough. My fiance is an uncircumcised man, he has never had any problems and doesnt regret not being circumcised.

Answer #1

I believe it’s a jewish thing, and i’m not jewish and am against everything of this nature, so I wouldnt allow it.

Answer #2

i wouldnt see it necessary but it preference. and its not a jewish thing. the jews do this but so do a bunch of ppl. and sometimes for medical reasons. in high school when showering with the guys after gym, i would say more than half the guys were circumcised. and none of them were jewish. my dad is and my grandparents arent religious at all. im not and i havent had any problems. the only thing different is they do not have to clean as much.

Answer #3

I dunno. The debate over the whole medical benefits is still going on. I dont have a strong view one way or another.

Answer #4

i would cuz its gross if its not

Answer #5

I didn’t have my son circumcised. The way I see it, if it wasn’t meant to be there, he wouldn’t have been born with it.

Answer #6

“There is no medical reason to remove a piece of his body” then why do ou think millions of people do that?

Answer #7

I personally think circumcised is easier to keep clean. I see no problem with it. I don’t really like uncircumcised, but there is nothing wrong with that either.

Answer #8

Personally I think its more for medical reasons…a lot of surgeons are having this process done more & more today…regardless of faith, I think it is safer, cleaner, and hell call me a damn perv if ya like, but I think circumcised Pen!s’s are fckn HAWTER then uncircumcised ones!:P

Answer #9

if i have a son, i aint doing it. i heard it hurts them!

Answer #10

i did have my son circumcised… its alot cleaner and is a tradition in my family as I am half ghanian… it was not pleasent but im glad he was done!

Answer #11

Honestly, if i ever have a son i will leave this decision up to my husband. Because he should know which is best since he’s the one so experienced with it. I honestly do not see what the big deal is because you can live with or without it. Its not like you need it to live or keep other organs going and its not even necessary when you are trying to “create life” either.

Answer #12

I also decided against circumcision if I had a son. I had a daughter and I’m against circumcising girls as well.

It is unnecessary surgery with a non-trivial complication rate.

Answer #13

its also a ‘african thing’ and im all 4 it my son has a lovely clean pennis… who wouldn’t want that… but its up to the parents!

Answer #14

NO , NO , NO && NO!

Answer #15

No there isnt any point, its a waste of time and money.

Answer #16

I think it is easier to clean, that is the main purpose. I am circumsized and I dont remember it hurting. I am thankful though because so many woman have told me that they prefer, the “German Helmet” look, over the “ant - Eater” Look.

Answer #17

After reading alot of these replies im pretty shocked at the misinformation. For starters, an uncircumcised mans pen!s is only covered with the foreskin when its soft. I for one, prefer my men to have an ere.ction when were fooling around, and when they are hard they look just like an uncircumcised man….so i dont see the big deal there. Also, i saw someone state that more circumcisions are done now then in the past, when actually there is a decline in the numbers done almost half of all boys are not snipped now.

Answer #18

Millions of people do many things that don’t have a logical explanation. I don’t think there really is a significant medical reason to have the procedure done myself.

Answer #19

No, I dont see the point. With proper hygiene you can keep it clean whether you are circumsised or not. As far as I know circumcision is not very common here.

Answer #20

I would, because its part of our tradition and feels clean.

Answer #21

you only think so. you dont really know. you just think so. but i do know that there is a reason significant enough to have this procedure done. its worth it. ask a urinologist.

Answer #22

it`s a muslim thing too. and there are 1 billion muslims in this world. as for the comment about “african thing” - there are millions of africans too. I guess that nearly a third part of the world is circumcised.

Answer #23

are you crazy? comparing such things?! that`s practised like an execution and has no need to be done!!!!!! while circumcising boyys on the other side is a thing done to keep men healthy!

Answer #24

“The way I see it, if it wasn’t meant to be there, he wouldn’t have been born with it.” lady, then how about appendixes?? if your son would need it to be cut out would you leave it saying “if it wasn’t meant to be there, he wouldn’t have been born with it, leave my son alone you bastards!!”

Answer #25

We don’t remove appendixes unless they become infected…why should foreskin be any different? Your argument is flawed.

Answer #26

well, after reading these, i could do both ways. having them circumsized does seem a bit painful, but in the end i think itd be alright, ive read (not hear) thats its more hygenic? so that itd be easier to clean. and honestly, a lot of people i know make fun of people who havent had it, so he might be a bit embarassed about it.

Answer #27


Answer #28

Foreskin is different. It gets dirty. The dirt goes inside. And there there are good conditions for germs- warmth, pee bla bla bla. Your appendix is inside you and there’ s no access there, you can infect it that easy. Foreskin is infected every day. Just go to sleep without washing your teeth once. It feels so awful in the morning, yeah? and that’s just a mouth but even though we have such a smell in such cases and feel so discusting and now imagine a member! There are 50 times more germs there! And you don’t clean it with toothpaste, or memberpaste, or foreskin paste, or memberhead paste and there’s pee left there and other stuff that collects in your pants! It’s dirty! That’s a serious zone, it’ bloody important to have a man circumsized!!! Serously!

Answer #29

With your logic, we better remove our fingernails, our teeth, our ears, our hair, our noses, our toes, etc….I can keep going. If a man knows how to properly clean himself, there’s no need to remove it. The v@ginal lips can get pretty full of bacteria too, but we don’t remove those..or are you going to start advocating that we do? Your argument isn’t solid enough….just accept it, as I’m tired of hearing the same garbage from you over and over.

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