How do I know if this is a form of erctile dysfunction?

Whenever I look at p0rn or something I cannot get it “up”, even when I see a barely dressed girl I cannot. But when my fiance is, I am. I only seem to be able to when it is my fiancee, or when she is doing something. And I am only attratcted to females. Is this a form of erctle dysfuntion?

Answer #1

No. this happens to many men when they find “the one” they don’t see other women as sexual objects as they did when they were single causing them to be less turned on by them. It’s normal. Focus your time and sexual energy on your fiance because clearly that’s what you want.

Answer #2

A dysfunction by definition is something that is either distressful, dangerous or interfering with your life. Is it any of these things?

Answer #3

No none of those things have been happening. Life’s been pretty good for me recently too. I proposed, she said yes. And I can ALWAYS get it up for my fiancee, anyone else, I can’t and I am confused as to why, no matter how gorgeous the girl. I was worried I might have erctilye dysfunction.

Answer #4

oh sorry. I read it wrong. It doesnt interfer, i was just wondrering if something is wrong with my body.

Answer #5

No. If you are able to get it up, it’s not physical, it’s psychological. Which is where I was going with this. For something to be labelled as dysfunctional (at least psychologically), it either has to be distressful, dangerous, or interfering. If it isnt any of these things, dont worry about it. You’re fine.

Answer #6

To put it simply, you love her…and that’s fantastic. Wish more guys were like you when it comes to that kind of passion about a women. Means you’re less likely to cheat and hurt her. Enjoy a happy long life of fantastic sex and love with your girl.

Answer #7

Thank you Very much guys.

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