How do you personally handle panic attacks?

I’ve delt with them almost on a daily basis since 6th grade and am curious how others handle them.

Answer #1

I think we all get panic attacks when under a great amount of pressure. Everyone kind of deals with it differently. What seems to work for one might not for another…but what seems to work for me is to go somewhere where you can be alone…like outside the place in the fresh air…find a spot that you can sit comfortably or lean against a wall. Close your eyes and inhale & exhale being 1, for 10x! (meaning inhale exhale 1…inhale exhale 2…x10) Now open your eyes…and get a sip of water.

hope that helps.

Answer #2

i used to get them all the time and i tried the deep breathing and i hyper ventilated, so i would take shorter breaths, oh and get away from whatever is causing it.

Answer #3

I find when I have a panic attack, I really want to just run away from where ever I am when it happens, so I usually do! My boyfriend comes with me, and we just walk where ever and for as long as it takes until I calm down. If I am by myself I might just go somewhere I feel safe, like my bedroom and try to relax.

Answer #4

I dont have panic attacks. But I can tell you what I tell people I work with who have these attacks. Focusing on breathing is important. I usually work with them on relaxation and breathing techniques. Relaxation techniques have different levels of effectiveness for different people. Some people have an easier time with visualization (picturing a peaceful place), some people do better with one word chants (like ohm), some people like the breathing exercises. Find what works for you and use it. Often if you look into patterns of the attacks, you can find a trigger. If you stop yourself from getting worked up in the first place, then you can prevent the attack. This is difficult in the moment (since you are extremely anxious and rational thought is difficult), but talking yourself through the negative talk. A lot of times people feel like they’re having a heart attack or going to die. Just reminding yourself that you are fine. Usually when I get extremely anxious, I need to take a break. Either I need to physically leave, or my mind needs to get away (so I’ll read whatever is close by), distraction can sometimes help.

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