Health Questions

  1. Diagnosed with pre diabetes, how do I know what type it is?
  2. Why do some old scars hurt
  3. Jock Itch, how do you get rid of it?
  4. Hypochondria
  5. Circumsation should we or not?
  6. Peeing 50 times before falling asleep
  7. Why am I having this?
  8. I need your help
  9. Should I go to bed?
  10. Stopping your growth spurt
  11. A sign my period is coming or something else?
  12. What could possibly be wrong with my leg?
  13. How do I stop sweating so much??
  14. Std question
  15. Hymen bleeding
  16. What exactly is it...
  17. Do you think we should get rid of cigarettes?
  18. Disability allowance
  19. Beer bellies?
  20. Abortions cost?
  21. Is it true fevers can help fight infections?
  22. Am I way too tall for my age?
  23. When your boobs hurt
  24. How long does heroin stay in system
  25. Is my leg broken?
  26. What does the word "circumcise" mean?
  27. Do fake boobs produce milk when the girl is pregnant?
  28. Possible to have your period twice in a month?
  29. Why did I have this dream?
  30. I'm allergic to anything unnatural
  31. Will bleach clear THC out of urine?
  32. Badly sunburnt
  33. Period during pregnancy?
  34. Can vibrating cause something?
  35. if 120-125lbs is easy to lift
  36. How do you get weed out your system faster?
  37. Drinking while pregnant
  38. Calling all vegans
  39. Bumps between my boobs?
  40. I havent eaten in days
  41. help me be able to sleep again!
  42. Have the urge to cut again
  43. Gooey Eyes
  44. Inner Peace
  45. Why are my boobs sore?
  46. Why can't I sleep?
  47. Can you buy laxatives from the local grocery?
  48. This is a account for everything I ate today is anything unhealthy?
  49. White spots on fingernails.
  50. Will it be safe to get pregnant again?
  51. Infertility because of Chlamydia?
  52. Taking off my braces
  53. Can you get pregnant while donating your egg?
  54. Top 10 Things You Don't Want to Hear During Surgery
  55. Yeast infections, can men get them?
  56. What are some ways to help me sleep?
  57. Itchy vagnia creamy discharge?
  58. Is there anything I can do to recover my sanity?
  59. I am 14 and there is a chance im pregnant
  60. Nose Bleeding
  61. Whats the best cure for a hangover
  62. Getting my period before swimming
  63. Symptoms, what's wrong with me?
  64. My clit itches and burns
  65. How can I tell if my older sister is pregnant
  66. Can you pass a blood test for THC?
  67. Maybe depressed a little?
  68. Can you get pregnant if a guy fingers you?
  69. Vichy Normaderm
  70. About My Period
  71. Could I Still Be Pregnant
  72. My mum says im a hypochondriach
  73. Vagina bumps on the inside?
  74. Cat scratch.
  75. How to make my peirod come early
  76. Weed question
  77. What is a twat?
  78. How to get a nice visible six pack?
  79. Sticking to a diet,
  80. Tummy size when pregnant
  81. Boobs are uneven
  82. is anorexia tempting?
  83. Late period, brownish discharge
  84. Boob streatch marks!!!
  85. Should I get a boob job?
  86. No muscle only bones
  87. What to do about wart forming on lip.
  88. Is it true the more sleep you grow more?
  89. I think alcohol is worse but what do you think?
  90. How long will darvocet stay in my system after only taking on pill?
  91. A red hair
  92. Tired all the time
  93. Radiological conundrum
  94. Cutter
  95. Why am I always wet down there (vigina)?
  96. Sunburnt.
  97. Funky a** breath!
  98. White bump on top of tongue?
  99. I went to the doctor and they measured me!
  100. Chiropractor question from a teen!