My mum says im a hypochondriach

I went to bed at like… 11 last night on the couch… Didnt want to sleep in my room… And I slept prety well. Til about 5 am… I woke up… And felt like I had to go to the bathroom. I wasnt covered up anymore, and my hoodie was half off.

I went into the bathroom and found that I couldnt go.

Then I started feeling light headed and hot and cold at the same time. And I sat up abou 6 in. To look in the mirror and I was pale. You couldnt tell where my lips were, and I got really dark circles under my eyes.

And I just looked sick…

Then I got really bad pains in my intestines like someone put a needle in me and just kept poking around.

Omg it hurt so bad I wanted to scream. Then I forced my self to “go” (not pee), because I was gonan throw up. Sothen I say there with my head on the sink counter for like 5 min… Before getting up…

(but you know what the weirdest thing about this is? I had a dream that I had really bad… Err… Not pee. And then I wanted to throw up… In my dream.. Only then it was at my boyfriends house)

Aaanyways. I got up and out and looked in the mirror… And I couldnt tell if I had a fever… And I was the only one up… So I made myself walk to my mum and dads room and pushed on the door and basically fell in on it.

And said “mum, please help me. Im sick” and she said there was nothing she could do. And went back to sleep. So I stood there for a minute. And said “going down” and I was out… I dont know if I blacked out or passed out or what… But I was out cold. Then I woke up at 6. And layed back down on the couch. My colour returned to me. And I felt better..

She got up to go to the bathroom and saw me and said I didnt look sick. And told me it was all in my head. And said I was a hypochondriach. This doesnt make me feel much better.. Thats her answer for everything when it comes to me being sick…

I mean… I was really freakin’ sick! And she doesnt think I was.. If she would have gotten up and out of bed. And saw me laying on the floor in front of her door… Then she’d believe me!

Also… Im going to say this now.

Im on my period… Like 4 days into it.. But I’ve neve gotten sick that far into it.. Because thats what she told me was wrong with me.. But I know thats not it…

So what am I going to do?

Also… Im going to ask this. For anyone who has any medical trainiing.

Thats not the first time I’ve gotten those intestinal crampy stingy feelings…

It happens a lot.. And it hurts like f*ck…

What is it! Please help me. I hate being sick xp

Answer #1

a hypochondriac is someone who always thinks they’re sick and who is over-dramatic over their “illnesses”

your mum is right

calm down, there’s nothing wrong with you

Answer #2

you should really go to the doctor your mom was wrong for just ditching you like that people dont pass out for nothing and the needle feeling dosent seem too normal to me you should go to your school nurse(if you cant go to the doctor ) and tell em whats going on and how you feel…theyll be able to help:)

Answer #3

haha I’ve had this loads you was just sick, nothing more, you feel really faint and dizzy and spot dance in front of your eyes and you go this weird grey colour. and there are really sharp stabby pains in your tummy (that trust me if you went to a doctor they will ask a million times if you are pregant cause they think its contractions) but when you are sick its all better, thousdands of people get it every day, its really alright dont worry.

Answer #4

ok, I’m a teeny-weeny bit confused…about the whole dream and real thing.

as for you passing out, I think you should get a blood test. it may be aneamia…a really ggod indication of aneamia is the colour of your blood, they say if it’s dark, thats good, if it’s really light blood, then you’re aneamic…(NOT our menstrating blood FYI) I am always checking blood sugar levels and you only need to see one drop of blood to get a sugar test reading, and that can tell you…but maybe when you’re on your periods your body struggles to keep that balance

other signs are; feeling faint and dizzy, darkish cirles round eyes..pale skin..

as for your periods, your periods WILL NOT stay the same throughout your life, for some people they ease, for some they get worse (mine got much worse!).

have you got a urine infetion or anyting? that can cause a stinging sensation, and can make you feel very very ill. look at the colour of your urine, I know it’s difficult when you’re menstrating becuase blood tends to get mingled in, but your urin should be a nice clear / pale yellow / straw like colour…

next time you go to the drug store just get some ‘iron tablets’, they’re cheap, there good for you, and most people tolerate them well, women on their period should take them anyway because of th eblood loss.

your mum is so totally out of order, I have two kids, and f they wake me up, then I’m there for them…regradless of f it was in your head or not, you were asking for help, and it wasn’t even that badd’a time of ‘night’ (my bloody cats get me up at 4am, honestly!)

you do need to get it checked out, and even if your mum says ‘it’s in your head’ - surely, then you still need some help?

take care, and just go to the docs, regardlss of what advice you’re given on here, no one can give you a diagnosis. there’s tests, medical history, family history and many other factors that determine whats going on.


Answer #5

That’s not right. Your mum should be looking after you, not accusing you of faking an illness. It sounds like she just can’t be bothered dealing with it. Not all illnesses make you LOOK ill. Some illnesses are very well hidden. If you know that something is wrong, you should go and see a doctor. Your mum isn’t a qualified doctor, so she couldn’t possibly know exactly how ill you are. I used to be accused of faking illness when I was still at school, because I was ALWAYS unwell with something. But I never made anything up. I’d always get examined by the doctor who would then prove that I wasn’t lying. You should pay a visit to your doctor whether your mum likes it or not. If the doctor confirms that something is wrong, your mum will probably feel guilty for treating you the way she did. But if she doesn’t admit that she was in the wrong, it just goes to show that she’s selfish. As long as you believe that you’re not making it up, things should be all right. Good luck and take care. <3

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