
I cut my self every day and im REALLY depressed. any advice? no joke by the way I dont no why I put it in love and relationships but thats perty much the only one I read…

Answer #1

I use to cut myself as well too, but I stopped cause honestly cutting yourself has no point what so ever!! what is bleeding going to heal?! absolutely NOTHING!!! all you create is many more scars that’ll have to heal besides the one’s you already got in your heart! listen to music, express yourself on paper! talk to close friends and have fun! get rid of your negative thoughts by keeping your mind busy with things you love to do! Cutting yourself is never a solution to ANY problem you may have, we all go through things but we must stand tall cause everything we go through makes us all a whole lot stronger than we started off!

Answer #2

Simple answer, don’t cut.. I know the issue seems more complicated but it’s not… Just replace cutting with something else.. Draw, paint, sing, play piano, or if you can’t express your depression through art, then turn your depression into agression and then let it all out on a punching bag. I’m not talking from no experience… Though I have cut myself, It was for attention, I have never been a real cutter, but I have been extremely depressed before, to where I didn’t eat for an entire month, Just as damaging to my body… You gotta find a positive way to express your pain, maybe write a poem, it doesn’t have to rhyme and it doesn’t have to be shared unless you want to. If ya need someone to talk to just send me a message, don’t do anything you’ll regret :) just keep your head up and things will get better, one thing, read the book called “The Secret” If you surround yourself with depressing thoughts and scars reminding you of your depression you will stay depressed. Start looking for the good in life and think of only that, and thank God, or yourself, whatever you beleive in, just give thanks for the good in life, even if you can’t see it. Picture yourself scar free in a perfect world, things will change, you’ll see.

Answer #3

Self harm is a way of coping with the depression, however it is obviously a really unhealthy and harmful way (you could end up in the hospital or dying, yeah I didnt think it would happen to me either…) and it doesnt solve the problem. You really should consult a doctor about it. There is no good reason for you to be depressed and hurting yourself when there are treatments that can help you. Try a few of these resources 1 8000 DONT CUT

Answer #4

Talk to someone, anyone. Whether it’s a therapist or your mom or even a close friend. If you’re depressed you really should consider getting help. Cutting isn’t the answer and it won’t help your pain go away. You need to find someone who you trust and can talk to without worrying what they think. I agree with damaged_pollita: try expressing yourself on paper. Write down how you are feeling and why you’re feeling that way instead of just cutting yourself. Hurting yourself isn’t going to make the pain go away, it’s just going to add more pain. Just remember whatever you’re going through will be over at some point. You won’t always feel the way you do and the reason you’re depressed will go away.

Answer #5

you must have good reasons to want to cut..I used to cut because I was depressed about my weight, about my friends, and about my parents’ relationship, which is now a divorce..I realized that cutting doesn’t help just gets you a bad reputation and you lose friends. I went to a mental institution and I felt soo stupid because I realized that cutting doesn’t do anything for me. I wish I had never made the mistake of giving into that STUPID, STUPID idea. if you are a christian, ask your pastor about it..ask him to pray for you. if you aren’t, I pray the Lord finds you.

Answer #6

The question is why are you cutting? What makes you want to cut? I know I sound like a tard, but get help and tell people… Not because some psychiatrist will tell you to do certain drugs and to join a youth movement, but because you’ll most likely end up with people who also have issues like you, which will give you a chance to meet people who know what you go through and will be able to understand you without going “OH MY LORD CUTTING”

Answer #7

dude if you openly admit your depressed then your just trying to get attention so srop trying to make people feel srry for u.

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