Badly sunburnt

I need help badly :(…

I was on the beach, on thursday and its now tuesday .. I caught the sun verrry bad on the backs of my legs .. And in the joints of my knees .. I can barely walk ?.. I cant put my leg straight or nothing :/ My legs at the back look purple and badly bruised.. And my ankles were very badly swollen a couple of days ago and still quite bad ,

Any answers on what this could mean asap? And they feel as if there getting abit worsee, more than better.

Thanks x

Answer #1

I was going to joke and say give yourself a slap but don’t this sounds and what you have described looks serious I would contact a doctor or your local GP quickly ok so I don’t mean to make you panic but please see a doctor and he/she will give you some cream or lotion or mabe tablets or something, don’t hesitate .

Answer #2

put moisturizer oan it moisturizer does a lot lol.

Answer #3

okay thanks , but in the joints of my knees it like looks as if loads of my skin has came off and lookes really red :/ but then on other parts its like bruised and purple :/

Answer #4

Ok well if its just red use Aloe thats what I recamend rub it legs when Ever you feel you need to But It Its Dark Purple Like Really Dark Purple I’d Talk To Your Doctor

Answer #5

woah baby thats not good:[ do you have a sploches or spots kind of like rashes? you might have sun poisining. I’ve had a reallly bad sunburn before but not bruises. I suggest that you keep putting on tons of aloe vera it will def take the sting away. and you mite not be as sore. and take like advil or something to calm the pain so you can walk:] also use lotions to b.c your def. going to peel really bad after this burn lol. hope this helped:]

Answer #6
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