Food & Dining Questions

  1. What should I eat to gain weight?
  2. What is your favourite flavour of ice cream?
  3. Do you ever eat breakfast for dinner?
  4. What is your favorite thing to have for breakfast?
  5. Will too much diet soda give me cancer?
  6. How much water do you drink per day?
  7. Which is your favorite drink?
  8. Is diet pop bad for you?
  9. Are soy or tofu products really bad for you?
  10. How can I control what I eat?
  11. What foods are high in fiber?
  12. What's the best cheese for mac and cheese?
  13. Does anyone know how to make pasta and cheese?
  14. How long to cook a turkey?
  15. What's the stinkiest cheese?
  16. how many grams in a banana?
  17. The Best Part of Thanksgiving is...?
  18. What meat do you eat on Christmas?
  19. How do I get over my fear of frying food?
  20. Are energy drinks healthy?
  21. What's quick food to make?
  22. Why do people eat fast food?
  23. Will Rockstar energy drinks give a positive urine test result?
  24. What's your favorite drive-thru drink?
  25. How can I make the perfect vegetarian sausage?
  26. What's your favorite Thanksgiving food?
  27. Do you prefer chocolate or vanilla ice cream?
  28. What's your favorite salad dressing?
  29. How can I make suet?
  30. Should I try sushi?
  31. Is Propel healthier to drink than soda?
  32. Is it OK to put baking powder in a burger?
  33. What brands of foods have seaweed gelatin?
  34. How do I stop craving sweets?
  35. What oil is best for frying a turkey?
  36. What's a good recipe for a smoothie?
  37. Where can I get a good fruit smoothie in Georgetown, DC?
  38. Are there any power bars without nuts?
  39. Which is better: celery or carrots?
  40. Why does ice cream make you thirsty?
  41. Why are there only 3 butterscotch chocolates in Cadbury's?
  42. How to survive being vegetarian on Thanksgiving?
  43. What are the health benefits of yogurt?
  44. Are Smarties fattening?
  45. How do I find food ingredients?
  46. What's your favorite and least favorite Halloween candy?
  47. Why do I get stomachaches from Lipton Green Tea Citrus?
  48. What are tips on becoming a vegetarian?
  49. Will bubble gum bubble pop if you blow it in someone's face?
  50. Are saltwater catfish good to eat?
  51. What are low carb foods I can eat to stop being hungry?
  52. What can a vegetarian do for Thanksgiving?
  53. What is fried ice cream?
  54. What are some good cookie recipes?
  55. How to make cabbage soup?
  56. Would you choose a burger or burrito?
  57. What temperature do I use to boil water?
  58. What are good places to eat in Chinatown Chicago?
  59. What are foods with negative calories?
  60. What's a good carrot cake recipe?
  61. What are the bubbles made of in bubble tea?
  62. How do you make vinegar?
  63. Would you want to trick a vegetarian?
  64. How long to energy works give you energy for?
  65. Do they put less sugar in Coca-Cola in Europe?
  66. What are beernuts?
  67. Do you have a good chocolate cookie recipe?
  68. What do I do about my chocolate cravings?
  69. Does anyone know how to make faux desserts?
  70. What is a good website for cake making?
  71. How to steep tea and for how long?
  72. What is the color of an apple?
  73. How can I stop eating junk food?
  74. What's the right way to eat sushi?
  75. What is the McDonald's philosophy?
  76. How to make Russian Tea Cakes?
  77. What are some of the uses for baking soda?
  78. Is it healthy to drink raw eggs?
  79. What's your favorite kind of pie?
  80. Is there a good vegan cheese?
  81. How do you make a Mai Tai?
  82. What's a good recipe for chewy chocolate chip cookies?
  83. How do you drop an egg without breaking?
  84. Does gelatin have animals in it?
  85. Does scientific research tell us that food affects our behavior?
  86. Is honey fattening?
  87. What's the hottest type of edible spice spray?
  88. What is the most sour type of edible sour spray?
  89. How can I keep breakfast from getting boring?
  90. What alcohol is less fattening?
  91. How can I brainwash myself to hate food?
  92. What is Okra?
  93. Is breakfast the most important meal of the day?
  94. How to make chili?
  95. How much water would a person drink to get water poisoning?
  96. What can I snack on that will keep me feeling healthy?
  97. What is lard?
  98. How do you get someone to like vegetables?
  99. What alcoholic drink tastes the best?
  100. What are some good banana recipes other than bread?