How can I make suet?

Living in France, with Christmas coming, I’ve discovered that I’ve run out of British suet (Attora) and I can’t make my Christmas pudding and mincemeat. I’ve discovered that suet is tradtionally made out of the fat from the kidneys of beef animals (wonderful, hey?). I’ve ordered some of this fat from my slightly stunned butcher, and it arrives on Wednesday. Does anyone know how to turn it into suet?

Answer #1


To render suet, it’s best to start with ground beef fat (ask your butcher to grind it if don’t have a meat grinder, or else chop the raw beef fat as fine as you can). Heat the ground or chopped suet over a medium flame until all the fat leaches out.

There should be nothing pink in your pan, only solid grey bits in a clear liquid. Strain out the grey bits by pouring the melted suet through a fine cheesecloth. Save the strained liquid fat and let it cool.

Suet at this stage is still somewhat soft, but if you melt it and strain it again, you will produce a very hard suet. You may put out your rendered suet as is, use it to make suet cakes, or store it for later use (it will keep several months in a covered container in your freezer).

Good luck!

Answer #2

Thank you! I have now made my suet, my mincemeat and my Christmas pudding - all ready for a traditional English Christmas in the south of France!

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