Are Smarties fattening?

Are smarties fattening?

Answer #1

If you eat too much then yeah they are fattening for you, But if you have them in small amount of quantity and dont have them often then its not that fattening You have to have chocolate often as a treat :)

Answer #2

If eaten in large quantities of coarse it is, but if eaten in moderation along with a healthy balanced diet I’m sure it’s fine.

Answer #3

nOT iF YOU ONLY HAVE LIKE 2 OR 3 but not the whollle bag =] hehe

Answer #4

they are chocolate and should be eaten in moderation, but occassionally they are ok, depends on the rest of your diet.

Answer #6

I can’t beleive your asking this -_-

They are a candy. They have sugar and chocolate in them.

Why no read the handy little nutrition charts.

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