Parents & Family Questions

  1. How to tell my Mom I'm pregnant?
  2. Screwed up family
  3. Dealing with overprotective parents?
  4. Stacy and her mom
  5. Do your parents have to know if you have an abortion?
  6. Has anyone you love committed suicide?
  7. How to get my parents approval?
  8. How to legally get out of my house?
  9. How to sing while my father's around?
  10. Did anyone lose someone they love to suicide?
  11. How to get a phone without my Mom knowing?
  12. What is the best route to take in getting visitation?
  13. How do I get my parents to trust me more?
  14. Family Feuding advice?
  15. A family feud!
  16. How to calm myself down when I'm mad and want to explode?
  17. Dad left everything to baby brother
  18. What should I do if my parents hurt me?
  19. What do I have to do to move out?
  20. What if my Mom hates my boyfriend?
  21. Why do I want a baby at 15?
  22. How to ask my parents for a Rated M game?
  23. How to get my Mom to let me change schools?
  24. How to earn back my parents' trust?
  25. How old do you have to be to move out in south carolina?
  26. How can I tell my mom sorry for something bad I've done?
  27. How to stay out of trouble?
  28. How can I help my brother?
  29. How to get out of this living situation?
  30. How to handle my family fighting as my Grandma dies?
  31. How to tell my Mom to stop drinking?
  32. How to forgive and forget?
  33. How to prove to my sister I didn't take the phone?
  34. Should I give up my baby?
  35. What to write for the family newsletter?
  36. What if my friend found cigarettes and pot in his brother's truck?
  37. How do I deal with my brother?
  38. Why don't my parents let me see my boyfriend?
  39. Where to run away to?
  40. How to tell my Mom that I'm emo?
  41. Do you think my little sister got pregnant for attention?
  42. What to do about my friend's sadness for her grandmother?
  43. Can I move out at 17 in Oregon for my health?
  44. Should I tell my Mom I'm a lesbian?
  45. How to tell your Mom you're a lesbian?
  46. How can I tell my mom I want a boyfriend?
  47. How to get out of this house?
  48. Is my Mom too strict?
  49. Is anyone else afraid of their parents leaving?
  50. How to tell my Mom I'm pregnant?
  51. Can my Mom make me give up my baby?
  52. Is it normal that I love my Mom more than my Dad?
  53. Is anyone else attracted to their Mother-in-Law?
  54. What to do if I call my mom?
  55. Trust between mum and dad
  56. How to help my parents through their divorce?
  57. What if I can't stand my Mom's husband?
  58. What can I do?
  59. How to help my friend with her horrid Mom?
  60. How to deal with my overbearing Mom?
  61. Is there anyway I can move out?
  62. What should I do about my Stepdad?
  63. Will I get in trouble if I leave home?
  64. Can I move out?
  65. What to do if I hate my stepdad?
  66. How to surprise my parents?
  67. Should I stay for my kids if I'm not happy?
  68. How to get used to new babies being around?
  69. How to tell my Mom I don't like her boyfriend?
  70. How to get my family to stop bugging me?
  71. Opinions on moving out from home?
  72. How to tell my Dad I was molested?
  73. What if your Mom keeps taking all your clothes?
  74. Why don't my parents want me to be happily married?
  75. How to make my Dad appreciate me?
  76. How to apologize to my Mom and Aunt?
  77. Can anyone cheer me up today?
  78. How Can I Find My Mother For Free?
  79. Sole custody VS Permanent Guardianship?
  80. What if my parents think I'm a joke?
  81. Can my Mom get in trouble for lying about him raping me?
  82. How to get my Mom to stop treating me like I'm a bad person?
  83. Should my Mom be able to control my earrings?
  84. How to stop the sadness of my Grandma having cancer?
  85. Has anyone ever experienced families acting like this?
  86. Thinking of becoming a mom
  87. What are easy ways to ask my Mom for a bra?
  88. How do I start telling people I'm bi?
  89. How do I tell my Mom about my boyfriend?
  90. Can you move out at 17 in Florida?
  91. What if my Mom is kicking me out due to pregnancy?
  92. What if my girlfriend's parents abuse her?
  93. What if my little brother has been viewing porn?
  94. How to get my Dad to get off my back?
  95. How to open up to my strict parents?
  96. What to tell my parents I'm saving up for?
  97. Is it normal for my Dad to act this way?
  98. How to ask my parents if my girlfriend can move in?
  99. How do I tell my Mom I'm pregnant?
  100. How to convince my parents not to make me take the bus?