A family feud!

I am 16 almost 17 in a few months and my sister has totally exited me out of her life and my parents never see the good in me and always the bad and think that I say nothign but lies. and im always geting the put down and they tell rumors abotu me or me and my boyfriend and all and they hate me but yet I have never done athing to them nad I barely ever lie. Can you possibly help me by giving me adviceo and what to do becase right now all I do is isolate myself into my room. please help me.

Answer #1

if I were you I would stand up to them and tell them how I feel. if they just kept putting me down I would go to someone close (preferably an adult) to me and tell them how I feel. then maybe that person could talk to my parents and set them straight. if that doesn’t work just ignore them and know in your heart that you are more mature then them. life is to short to waste so don’t stay isolated in your room spend time with your friends and your boyfriend and enjoy life. don’t let your parents and your sister stop you from living your life. im sorry that you are going through a rough time but there is always a positive side to a negative situation in this case its that everytime your being pushed down its just making you stronger and if your family wants to x you out of their life well thats their loss. hope I helped :] if you need more advice or just want to talk funmail me.

Answer #2

it sounds to me like it is those “teenage years”. Everyone goes through them, it may seem like the end of the world, but it’s not. You have to drop all pride and just relax. No one is out to get you and your family certainly doesn’t intend to make your life miserable. It’s up to you and your attitude on life, hang in there. There’s nowhere to go but up when you are on the very bottom. GL lovie

Answer #3

it’s best to tell them how you feel. Unfortunaley, we as humans tend to remember the bad things that people have done instead of the good. Trying doing more good things that they will notices and appreciate, like cleaning your room or kitchen without them asking or if you don’t do well in school bring up your grades without them knowing then show them your report card. Be sure to be home on time, maybe early for curfew.

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