What should I do about my Stepdad?

What should I do, my step dad is always being a b*stard. No matter what I do, he always seems to find something to laugh at or have a go at me for! I hate him! What should I do??? Help me!!!

Answer #1

My step dad doesnt care what I thnk or say or ant thin. My mam knows wats going on. She has known for years. They only got engeged on valentines day. I try to tell them but they blame it all on me!

Answer #2

am sure hes not a bastard, I use 2 fink about that about my step dad, an I use 2 hit him I’ve gave him abuse if dont all sorts I’ve gorwn up a hel of a lot over the years now I think the sun shines out of my step dads ar*e what eva I want he does 4 me if we get in 2 an afrument I walk away, because its my mum that gets upset if we argue if he makes your mum happy then you should try your best 2 get along , why dont you try and talk 2 him? or have a word with your mum an tel her she mite have a word with him.

           x sophie-lea x
Answer #3

talk to uor mom about what hes doing

Answer #4

I know how you feel my dads the same

Answer #5

Dear Vampirelover. This may have nothing to do with you.

Tell your Mom how you feel but do consider that this may not have anything to do with you at all. This may have something to do with your step Dad being jealous of your biological Father. I say this because I know step parents who hurt the kids from their spouse’s previous marriage just because they’re so jealous of the previous wife/husband. Example: new wife always spreading rumors about the 2 year old child (from previous marriage) and getting the kid in trouble from his Dad. The 2 year old doesn’t know anything or that this isn’t even his biological Mother. He doesn’t know how to fight/argue back. The only thing he knows how to do is call the step Mom Mommy but he’s a horrible little kid?! You see what I’m saying? New Mom knows that her husband loved his previous wife a lot and this kid is what her husband will always share with the previous wife.

This may not be your situation but you might want to ask your Mom about it. It may be something your Mom and your Step Dad can solve on their own. Maybe your Mom has to reassure him that he’s the better husband or something. He’s hurting inside too. Maybe you feel like you are the victim but maybe he’s the real vicim.

I hope this helped. Take care.

Answer #6

I hope that you and your mother have a good loving and listening to each other type of relationship so you can talk to your mother and maybe all three of yall can sit down and talk tell him how you feel that its hurts your feelings and makes you mad. He may not relize how this affects you he make think yall or joking an playing around does he have any other children? he may not be able to show love so hes shows it other ways the ways he has been done or he thinks is ok to do. but if you think he is just trying to be an @$$hole avoid him as much a possible if he comes in the living room go outside your room somewhere hes not dont argue and fuss with him just say ok or whatever the deal is and get away maybe he will relize this slack down I hope it works out who wants to be somewhere they are not happy

Answer #7

teach his stupid @$$ to respect you. knock the f**k out of him.

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