How can I tell my mom I want a boyfriend?

Well, I want a boyfriend but I dont know how to tell her because she is very strict and she told me she doesnt want me to because she wants me to be a virgin when I get married but I keep telling her im not going to do something stupid and get pregant

Answer #1

explain her that love doesnt mean just s3x and falling in love is a normal and uncontrolled thing

Answer #2

Dear cintiaortiz ,

Although it may not seem like it at the time, your mother has your better interest in mind in not allowing you to have a boy friend.

I personally do not suggest going out with Guys until you are at least 17years old. You are young and have your HOLE long life to date…enjoy your child hood and the innocence that it holds don’t try and grow up to fast.

There is a lot more to life then men, and you have your hole life to learn that.

IF you really do want a boy friend though and CAN NOT WAIT till latter then ask your Mother and Father about it tell them WHY you want one since there must be a good reason…explain to them the pros and cons if you can think of some any way, and be honest with them. Don’t lie and don’t go behind there backs and date him any way.

Your family will always be your family…He may not always be in your life but they will be.

Remeber that.


Answer #3

Is there a boy you want to be your boyfriend? or do you just want to have some boyfriend?

if its the first one then talk to your mom if its the latter then forget about it until later

Answer #4

I wouldn’t tell your mom you want a boyfriend. When you get a long term boyfriend, and it gets serious… thats when you tell her.

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