What should I do if my parents hurt me?

My parents are lovely and I do love them… But everytime they think I have done something wrong they hit me, kick me till im screaming in pain..this has been getting worse over the past few months but lately its been because of things that have annoyed them and they take it out on me when I get home. My sisters went through the same thing, and they managed to cope, I don’t understand why I can’t seem to cope with it. I’m scared if I tell someone at my college they willget the police and social services involved and I don’t want that, I can’t put my parents through that, they will hate me more than what they do now..

Does anyone have any suggestions about how I canget it to stop or slow down a bit ? Please help x x

Answer #1

girl im not even going to lie,, if your parents are that fuked up to hit u “not saying they dont love you and what not” there is nothing in your power to change it even the slightest bit but you dont beet your kids I get things taken out on me all the time but neva hit im in high skool and they know I wont let them do that personally for me I wud tell them no more!! if your over 18.

I know who can change things for you I dont know if he can change your parents or help them to slow down on the beating but his name is GOD. ‘ I dont know if you know him or not but hes amazing.

hes not a magic dude in a bottle come to grant you wishes but hes like your father he loves you NOW more then any one ever cud. call apon him tell him to show him self to you he will.. talk to him just like you wud another person he hears it I PROMISE it will change your life and if your parents get to know him it will changes theres too

I dont go through physical beeting im to old for that now they know I wont let it happen when mi mom says shes going to hit me I say you gotta catch me first lol ahahha

I go through verbal abuse now thats why im getting ready to move out at 18 im sure if you move out things will get better read a bible it helps

if you eva want to talk babe im always here!! just a message away lol

Answer #2


Answer #3

listen they all have said some good things but that is my exact same situation… I love them soo much and would never want to lose them but FIGHT BACK…I have to defend myself they dont do it any more cause they now get that they cant, this may sound wierd but have to train the to not!!

Answer #4

wow, that is what I am going through. you have to stand up for youself. tell them the truth about how you feel. push them away when they go at u. tell them no this is gonnahave to stop. write me back

Answer #5

you have to remember that there is a difference between hitting and beating a child. I believe in punishement when needed but if they are coming home just to take their frustration out on you there is something wrong. You shoudl try talking to them and reason with them. If it continues you need to talk to someone about it, you need to talk with your counselor if the beatings continue. From the sounds of it, you are much too old for them to be laying a finger on you anyways.

Answer #6

No one should ever have to live in fear and to be honest I would be more worried if you accepted this treatment. Talk to your sisters and try to come up with some sort of plan that will keep you safe. The best advice is to tell your parents the next time you touch me in anger I will call the police, but there is potential consequences to this action such as being removed from your parents home by social services and ending up in foster care. Try to talk to your parents or send them a letter that basically states this type of treatment will not be tolerated by you and if it continues your not going to keep it secret.

Answer #7

Thanks everyone for the advice hasamde me think things through im going to think bout my options more xxx

Answer #8

yeah this isnt happening to me but, I dont think that you should let them get away with it.

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