How to open up to my strict parents?

My parents are soo strict, and they don’t trust me. My dad said he trust me just not the guys, but my mom says she don’t trust me at all. They don’t let me go on dates, so I have to do everything behind there backs. They have never liked a boyfriend I’ve had, they say that guys are bad influnces on me, and they push me away. Sometimes I feel like my mom doesn’t even love me because of the way she acts towards me. I hate it and it makes me feel sooo bad. I can’t open up to them, what should I do

Answer #1

Your parents are just as tired of lecturing you as you are tired of hearing them. If they didn’t care about you so much, they wouldn’t even waste a breath.

Parents are not always right but DO give them credit for having good intentions and wanting the best for you. You may think that your Mom is the one who hates you the most but if you look deeper, you’ll realize she loves you most. She loves you so much that she is trying wayyy to hard and it’s only pushing you away.

Unfortunately, we all go through that horrible rebellious stage. Once you pass that stage you’ll realize how wonderful your parents really are and how STUPID you were when you were younger. You don’t have to believe me. Just be open-minded enough to realize that you may not be right either.

Hope I helped. Take care.

Answer #2

Growing up is very difficult—for both you and your parents. They remember a little bundle of joy that they held and nurtured as a baby and now they see a budding adult. These days, children face things and know about things that their parents would never have imagined at the same age. The teenagers of today look older, act older and want to be older than their counterparts did just 20 years ago. It is the desire of all parents for their children grow up in the way that they should go (loving, caring, respectful, and being of good solid character). It is necessary that you truly understand that your parents have your best interests at heart. They will withhold privileges, set limits, and raise you to the best of their ability (neither they nor you are perfect), but be Thankful - They Care - many, many, many don’t. Ask them for guidance and seek to understand what truly motivates their decisions. One of the best ways to prove your maturity and prove that you are ready for more trust is to be respectful of your parent’s wishes and accept their guidance. Learn how to communicate love, honor, and respect to each other.

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