Parents & Family Questions

  1. How do I tell my parennts I want to dye my hair black?
  2. nude around family
  3. Why do young girls around 13-16 want to have fricken children
  4. Moving situations
  5. Moving situations
  6. What do you do when your family hates you?
  7. Teens Rights
  8. How do I get my brother to stop playing video games?
  9. how can I get my mom to butt out of my relationship?
  10. what do I do if my dad is a jerk
  11. my mom is sooo rude
  12. I am very close to my sister
  13. I need suggestion on what to do or any advice?
  14. My mother won't grow up!
  15. I hate my mom for not letting me go clubbing
  16. sleep walking
  17. What were you parents going to name you?
  18. Urgent mail me back asap please
  19. Is this normal?
  20. Where can I get counseling
  21. Abusing And Pregnant
  22. nascar
  23. how do I convince my parents to let me get a snake?
  24. Father daughter time? liar.
  25. how can I tell mum I have a boyfriend?
  26. having trouble talking!!
  27. advice on brother in law
  28. Question for mostly teens and kids but any one may answer
  29. going away for college
  30. convincing mom
  31. bi, what to do?
  32. don't know how to tell my mom that I want to meet my real dad
  33. my adoption sttuff!!
  34. confused and scared
  35. my brother got a DUMB girlfriend
  36. Can I move in with my grandma without parental Consent
  37. Really Mean Sis
  38. controling my life!
  39. Family day out ideas...
  40. should I confront my parents about this
  41. thinking a lot latley about moving out of my moms house
  42. do you think I should have a baby?
  43. adopted I need all the help I can get
  44. need advice
  45. my family makes fun of me constantly
  46. How can I make my mom more interested in my life?
  47. Brothers and sisters
  48. please help
  49. How can I legally get emancipated?
  50. Girlfriend is going to have my child what should I tell my parents?
  51. How do I get mi parents to buy me a cell phone?
  52. Angry At Me For No Reason!!
  53. Sharing bedrooms and the Law!!
  54. naggy
  55. Why do parents fight?
  56. I dont know what to do
  57. How Do I Convince My Parents To Meet My Boyfriend?
  58. my lost brother
  59. how do I get her to leave me alone?
  60. I realy need help :[
  61. dad going crazy
  62. teasing brother
  63. What should I do about these thoughts?
  64. How Do I Ask My Dad?
  65. my close friend's dad just died, I don't know what to do.
  66. Is this considered running from my problems?
  67. Im gay
  68. what shall I do?
  69. Telling my boyfriends parents were engaged
  70. I want that pony
  71. What do I do if my mom caught me playing with her makeup?
  72. fighting with my mom, and I need help...
  73. How do I tell my mum and dad im pregnant
  74. divorce arangements
  75. do I deserve this treatment? =/
  76. Home Alone..
  77. My Mom and Skating
  78. brother and sister fights
  79. How do I tell Family/Friends I am joining the military?
  80. how to convince mother???
  81. Parents and wicca.
  82. How do I help my mum?
  83. Will parents mind if your lover was 10-20yrs older than you?
  84. sister sister
  85. horrible life
  86. Lip piercing how do I convice my mom
  87. unfit mom uses daughter as pawn
  88. How should she tell her parents that she's pregnant?
  89. Puppy bites
  90. The past, the past!
  91. Bein with my Dad. I don't feel myself around him
  92. Mom won't let me do anything
  93. How can I make my mom love me?
  94. mother dont want me to have a girlfriend
  95. How can I get my parents to take me on a vacation?
  96. Movin help?
  97. dad problems
  98. I need help, my life is being torn apart?
  99. Car Scratches
  100. Angry Mother