bi, what to do?

Im bi and I dont know how or if I should tell my family, they just think its disgusting can anyone help?

Answer #1

First of all… who made you lord and ruler? you dont get to decide who loves who…

Second of all… grow up… get over whatever biblical thing you think you’re spouting, and realize that homosexuals, bisexuals, transgenders, all the rest, they exist, they are going to continue to exist, and you may as well get used to it…

stefyd (nice pic btw), is there any particular reason you want to tell your parents? you’re still young, feelings come and go, you’re definitely not old enough to have a fixed sexual identity, and if your parents are going to react badly, well it may just cause trouble… kids have been kicked out, abused, or generally mistreated for coming out… yeah your parents should love you no matter what, but this is reality, and some times reality sucks… you need them to support you, you’re kinda stuck in their house, and right now, while you’re exploring and trying to find yourself, do you need them to get involved in your private business?

Answer #2

Um ty -people figure out their oreintation when they are about 13 years old…

Answer #3

I say dont tell them but later if you get in a relationship with a girl and it gets serious and you feel you must tell them then if they love you they will get overit and learn to except you and everything that makes you you

Answer #4

it best you tell them 1 thay should love you no matter what! ^^ 2 cause if they find out on there own (which thay will) it will a lot more painful :( … good luck ^_^’

Answer #5

first off dont be ashamed, ebarassed, or feel like you have to hide your feelings being bisexual doesnt make you any less human you have just as many rights as everyone else and are entitles to love whoevere you love, just like anyone else if your parents really do lovce you they should understand this and respect your decisions regardless of your sexuality if ythere religiouse hoevere theyve probably been brainwashed into thinking what your doing is wrong its up to you to tell them if you want them to know and want them to accept it, tell them and stand up for yourself say its who you are and if they love you, they should respect that

Answer #6

I told my mum that I was bi about 4 years ago (I am actually gay but thought this would take a little easier!), that was when I started a serious relationship with a girl. I had one previous which I kept secret and we broke up over it, and I dont just regret that, I hate the fact that I was lying to my mum and hiding it. I was scared of what my family would think. I am so close to my mum so I decided to tell her about this one. 4yrs on and I am married to my girl and my family couldn’t be happier! My dad and brother used to make awful comments about gays, but it’s all just a front. They love me and my wife and they don’t make comments anymore. They were never homophobic, it’s all just a front and keeping up apperances!

It’s totally down to you whether you tell your family or not. I didn’t think it was necassary until I was in a serious relationship - although my mum knew some of my friends were gay, she even had a gay friend herself. I knew she would be ok, but the rest of family was what I was really scared about. I bit the bullet and all good now. It might be worth waiting for a bit, maybe until you are 100% sure - until you are in a relationship.

Good luck & I am here if you ever need to chat x

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