Parents and wicca.

Hi im Michael and im 14 and I need advice, I tried to explain to my parents that I wanted to be wiccan and I explained it to them and we fight about it, and my mother keeps saying that im a follower because my best friend and cousin are wiccan but I wanted to be wiccan befor I new about them, so what should I do?

Answer #1

wicca is a powerful thing, and its very hard for parents to understand there child at such a young age wanting to basicly become a witch. if I were you I would talk with your parents more about it if you really want to take up Wicca. help them understand what it is more. sugar coat it a little even if you have to and say that it is a way to connect with nature or something.

Answer #2

There’s not much you can do to change your parents opinions, but stick to your guns. Once they see that you’ve followed through and your serious about the path you’ve chosen, they’ll probably back off.

Answer #3

Become wiccan. Be spiteful, and say so what if your friend and cousin are.

Answer #4

I study wicca and it is pretty cool…if your parents dont like the thought of it then try talking to them about it…you might get them to understand…I dont just study it though I have tried a few things but I hide the wicca from my mom…she would not understand me…I didnt do the spoells right because I knew my mom would find out but dont hide it from your parents…its great to be able to be open with your parents and I cant do that anymore…just talk 2 them… and be careful some spells can be dangerous

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