how can I get my mom to butt out of my relationship?

My mom is getting really nosy with my boyfriend and I. ya we’ve gotten into trouble but not more to most relationships. now she’s not trusting us alone and won’t ever let me talk to him or see him outside of school. how can I get her to lighten up and butt out of my relationship?

Answer #1

you just need to talk to her… if you lie to her, it will just make matters worse…

Answer #2

My frann had the same problem so she lied and sed that they broke up she fell for it or just say that he is gay and he just wants to be franns… Hoped I helped

Answer #3

get a realy good friend (tell them to help ) preted to date him and date the other guy behind your mom back tell hmi befor you do it

Answer #4

Have a serious talk with her. Tell her “Mom, I want to let you know whats going on in my life right now but you keep shutting me down. I think you should give me a little of your trust here. I want to show you that I can be responsible. I dont want to keep secrets from you. I dont want to ruin our relationship but you’re making it really difficult for me to go to you for advice or help. I’m a teenager. Teenagers have boyfriends and go out on dates. If you dont give me the chance to have a normal teenage life you initiate the sling shot effect. The more you pull me back the farther I’ll go.” If she still doesnt give you any slack then ask your friends if you can use them and tell your mom you’re mom you’re just going to hang out with you’re friends and you can go see your boyfriend instead. If you get caught then stop caring. Just do whatever you want. Regardless of what she says, does, or thinks. It will drive her crazy and she’ll eventually have a talk with you and this is when you tell her that you love her and you dont want to hurt her but she’s pulling you back and you want her to be a part of your life but if she keeps smothering you then you wont want to let her in. Hope this helps! If you need any more advice feel free to hit me up with a message! :]

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