Question for mostly teens and kids but any one may answer

How would you feel about a place for kids and teens who are sad where there are very little rules any one is welcome no one is judged. You can get advice and help with a any thing every thing is privet. So you can tell any deep dark secret and know it wont be repeated. Where the number one goal is to make sure your happy.and a place where if you want you can sleep over or get away from home. But with parents permission we would have to call and make sure it’s ok but other then that what do you think ?

Answer #1

well we would make sure it was ok with the parents and boys would be in one room guys another

Answer #2

yea I feel so bad that’s happening

Answer #3

the rules that will be made will be enough for good structure

Answer #4

well I think staying over night would be good but that’s just me

Answer #5

sounds good other then the very little rules. kids need rules or they will act up.

Answer #6

haha that soundsz great =D

Answer #7

it will be enough rules to keep them structured

Answer #8

I know lol

Answer #9

yeah it would be cool

Answer #10

fun advice is also a good place to do that so spread the word to anyone you know having issues they can talk about them here aninumously and not get in trouble

Answer #11

that would be awesome! but the “almost no rules thing” might not work. besides that it is a GREAT idea

Answer #12

I think teens do need some help and comfort outside of parents sometimes. lets face it its hard to talk to parents about a lot of things soyeah I think a good recreational center would b good in every city but I dont think I agree with the spending the night

Answer #13

I think that would be a great idea, I’m not a teen anymore, but I remember my teenage years and how confusing things were and how much you feel like your being judged by everyone.

Answer #14

I just think the sleeping over thing would cause a lot of conflict with parents and their kids. my parents would have never let me spend the night they barely let me spend the night at my friends houses

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