Parents & Family Questions

  1. My mum hates me
  2. how can I help my Mum?
  3. I want to go on birth contorl
  4. Why won't she talk to me?
  5. Verbal abuse and relocation?
  6. What should I do if I found pot in my sister's backpack?
  7. Why is my mom so bitter and mean to me?
  8. Crazy parents!
  9. How can I tell my dad to get help?
  10. What do I say to my mom and dad to calm them down?
  11. My 11 year old brother is smoking, what to do?
  12. Do I need my parents consent to leave?
  13. How can I get freedom from my parents?
  14. Verbal abuse from my parents? or is it normal?
  15. How do you tell your son or daughter you like girls ?
  16. How can I be a better sister?
  17. How can I not fight with my parents?
  18. What would you do if your mother hurt you?
  19. My family is sleeping, what should I do?
  20. How to prank brother
  21. Should I tell someone?
  22. Verbal and emotional abuse? How can you stop it?
  23. My dad ?
  24. How can I cope with the loss of my stepdad?
  25. What should I do with my parents ?
  26. My mother was shot to death in 1995 What the hell do I do?
  27. Why are parents so strict about kids
  28. How do I tell my mom?
  29. How do I tell my aunt and uncle that I want to move in with them?
  30. How to tell my parents I want to join the marines after high school
  31. What to do to get along?
  32. What if my mom make me get an abortion?
  33. Do I need permission from my parents to move out?
  34. How do I convince my parents that my boyfriend doesn't smoke pot?
  35. How do you stop parents from being so over protective ??
  36. Biological dad
  37. How do you tell your parents your preqo
  38. 15 and pregnant
  39. Contacting my brother overseas
  40. I want more for my brother then I ever had
  41. People are putting my brothers name on here
  42. Eeeek! HOW do I tell my mom I've had my period??
  43. My boyfriend is scared of my parents
  44. Speaking to my brother
  45. Should I Tell him or Keep it Secret?
  46. Incest in germany where a brother and a sister had 2 kids
  47. Physically abused by my parents
  48. My Best Friend's Parents are Getting Divorced
  49. Why does she hate me
  50. Suck Up.
  51. Annoying 3rd cousins!!!
  52. should I confront my mom..
  53. My parents.
  54. I really need help!
  55. I HATE my family
  56. How can I help my mother...
  57. Pranking my brother..
  58. 3rd Cousins, Parents Don't Accept Us
  59. Should I tell my parents im pregnant
  60. 11 yearr old
  61. my girlfriend cuts
  62. Terrible Drinking Since Family Crapp!!
  63. how can adoped child live with birth mother
  64. What can I say to my sister about looking at porn?
  65. Can you help me through this?
  66. I hate my dad, how do you deal with it?
  67. Why is my mom always mad at me?
  68. Can my parents not let me live with them?
  69. Do you think that I might have GAD?
  70. Im worried about my sister, any suggestions?
  71. What should I do about my parents splitting?
  72. How do I get my mom off my back?
  73. My mom is protective about my body, what should I do?
  74. How can I get my mother off my back?
  75. Is it okay for my parents to be nudists?
  76. How can I get my mom to let me join the gym?
  77. Can I bath with my family members?
  78. What are ways to get along with my parents?
  79. how do I get my mother to get my shop online?
  80. Unemployed and pregnant
  81. Rehabitation
  82. new piercing coming up soon what should I get?
  83. Parents are bad, need alabi
  84. I think my dad and stepmom hate me
  85. if I dont get away from my family I will suffocate
  86. My mum cuts herself!!
  87. How can I get my dad to let me have a boy sepnd the night?
  88. What does it take
  89. Flying
  90. How to make my mom less bitchy?
  91. Parenting :D
  92. Should have more love for my mom
  93. Top up
  94. I'm scared
  95. Borhter just got engaged and his fiance is pregnet : O?
  96. HatredIs it wrong to hate your little sister's best friend?
  97. how can I get them to let me go out
  98. split up ?
  99. I need help (they wont stop lying)
  100. havent seen my older brother in 14 years