Unemployed and pregnant

Im 19 umeployed and pregnant and puttin my baby up for adopition is not an answer, where can I get finacial help

Answer #1

food stamps

Answer #2

Why isn’t putting the baby up for adoption an answer? Those people who adopt are financially stable and unable to have children.

Answer #3

Adoption IS an answer, but, true, not for everybody. Where is the father of your child. He has a legal financial obligation. Or maybe his parents or your parents can help with the costs, after all it is going to be their grandchild. Possibly a local church can help. They certainly say they can in demonstrations. Surely one or more of these can assist. If not, well maybe you may want to review your options.

Answer #4

Why isn’t putting the baby up for adoption an answer? Those people who adopt are financially stable and unable to have children.

sooo, whats your point. just because she doesnt have a job right now doesnt mean its impossible for her to care for and support her child. I think its great she is taking responsiblility for her child and keeping him/her.

honey there is nothing wrong with not putting him up for adoption. you do what is best for you and that child. and I personally think its great for them to be with their parents. as long as they are capable of financially and emotionally supporting them.

keep in mind it IS hard hard work . but its so worth it. and part of being a mom or parent in general is pushing yourself to make a better life for yourself and yourchild.

so I recommend you get a job first. you will need to work so you can save money for all the babies expences. so it would be good idea to save as much as you can now so you can take a little time off when the baby is born. unless you have a family member who can care for him/her while you are at work .

second- where is the dad. if he is not around you definetly need to get him to pay you child support. it takes too. and if you can step up adn take care of your child he can to. besides handing over a small portion of money once a month is nothing compared to actually being a fulltime parent.

also if you do not have insurance for you and your childs appointments you neeed to need to get on medicaide thats what it is for. for low or no income people who need assistance. it was a life saver for my family. it cost like 10,000 dollars just to Have the baby (a healthy baby) can you imagine if he/she has any medical conditions.

also you have to get on WIC. this too was such a life saver to me. the formula my daughter drank was 14 dollars a can and 1 can last a few days. they give you plenty. and while you are preg. they give you eggs cereal, cheese, tons of milk, and peanut butter, ect. and after you have the baby they start to give you formula infant cereal, and ect. and after your child is a year they stop formula but give you milk, eggs, cereal, juice, beans and all that again. and they continue it until the child is 5 years old as long as you apply.

you child will be able to get medicaide untill he/she is 18yrs old and lives at home.

there also is some kind of daycare assistance for really low income families. there is housing- im not sure how this works exactly but my friend got a divorce from her husband and she has 2 kids and she got housing and she pays 15 dollars a month for rent. because she is a single mom and cant work because she has to take care of the kids. so you could check into that.

also one last thing. is carelink if you need more info on this funmail me. or if you have any questions. I am 20 now but had my child at 19 and I know what you are going through. good luck and congrats

Answer #5

good choice not putting your baby up I was pregnant and married at 19 now im 22 and happly married and wnating another one. go to the state building they will help you and wic also they help to! they are all in th state building!

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