Do I need permission from my parents to move out?

I’m 15 and met this 21yr old guy online. I talked to him on webcam so I know its him! He has asked me to move over to manchester from leeds where I live now next may(just after my 16th birthday!) after 16 do I hve 2 have permission from parents 2 leave or can I just go without their permission??

Answer #1

I have talked to him on webcam. written to him. talked on the phone and he seems genuine enough 2 me!! my parents have seds they don’t care as long as I’m happy so would it be ok if I like arranged 2 meet wi him somewhere and went. see if I cud see him and I’d be able 2 see if he was genuine! he is my mum’s mates brothers mate and they know him well so he is genuine they wouldn’t say so if not!!

Answer #2

that is just sick and gross and you need find someother guy your age. only one person here was able to notice this man is a creeper. legally you guys can’t be together, and man that old liken a girl your age is a sick gross petifile loser who can’t get with anyone hhis age. that has to tell you something. and depanding were you are you have to ask your parents, who hopefuly care about you and wont let you meet this sicko. ha watch him 45. thats what happend when my friend met this guy who said he was 18 talked to all the time saw pictures of him talked to him on video chat went to meet him after a year of talking and raped her. so unless you want something like that to happen to you I wouldnt go meet this creep.

Answer #3

Talk to him longer. Set up a date with him and some of his friends (blokes & birds ^_^) and meet for movies or something so you can know him in person before you consider moving.

When you meet with him, don’t just fall into love with him, I’m assuming that you’re a smart girl and that you can be on the lookout for any creepy or bad signs before you let yourself get too involved with him.

Answer #4

I would. I don’t gte on with my family at all ! I want to move because he has a job and college and once I leave school I can just sign up 2 go to his college. I’ve talked to his mates and they say he’s really nice. he told me he worked somewhere and I checked it out and he does work where he says! I have chatted 2 him on facebook every night!!! for like 2 weeks! and he is really nice!

Answer #5

bad idea..personnally I would never meet someone off the net..u dont really know that guy..he could be a killer or rapist..or even lying about hi age.he could be 45 for all you know..havent you seen the movies on lifetime??

Answer #6

thank you. I am already metting him at xmas and talking 2 him a lot like everyday so I have like 7 months 2 getr 2 know him and meet him!

Answer #7

You are allowed to leave home at 16. But I wouldnt move for a guy. Why cant he move? You are the younger one. What about your euducation? What if theres something wrong with this guy? Have you met him in person? Would you really move from yoyr family and friends and your education for an older man you dont even know?

Answer #8

depends on where you live, some places are 16 some are 18, but I would wait this guy might seem great but he could be hiding the fact that hes a creep. ask his friends what hes like, if he doesnt have friends then theirs something wrong.

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