I want to go on birth contorl

alright so I want to go on birth contorl, but I dont know how to ask my mom. like she told me whenever im ready just tell her but im only 14, and I just started seeing my boyfriend. so im afraid that if I ask she will think that me and him are going to do it. but I dont want to do it, I just want to take it. just be safe, incase anything happens. please help me and tell me a good way to ask my mom about it

Answer #1

Explain exactly as you have here. Say that you have started seeing someone and see it as being something long term, so even though you do not want to have sex yet, you would love to be prepared for anytime in the future that you feel ready as you want to be able to settle into the routine of taking the pill and things and make sure it is right for you and you remember to take it and would not have problems if you ever did have it for contraceptive purposes.

Another angle to approach it is to tell her you have really painful periods and have heard the birth control pill can help (it does) so could you try it please as you want to try and make having periods more comfortable for you.

As long as you reassure your mum you are being mature about this (which you seem to be) then I am sure she will be ahppy to at least discuss it and see you are ready to try it. Well done for thinking ahead and wanting to be safe.

Answer #2

Adding to what Jetc is saying, the fact that you are going to your Mom and discussing these things with her is another sign of maturity - you are thinking ahead and realize that the best defense against tragedy is being prepared.;

Good Luck!!

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