My mum cuts herself!!

My mum cuts herself and blames it on me, she blames everything on me, the fact that we’re going to lose our house, money worries, no boyfriend, no food, drinking and drug addictions, and..I cant take it anymore, seriously, she makes me hurt and scream and yell for everything to stop , and I’ve got no one to go to and no one to share everything with and feel safe and loved by, what do I do

Answer #1

Wow that’s really difficult; This doesn’t make it any easier but remember there are SO MANY people, families, etc. stuck in dysfunctional situations, don’t think like because you can’t see their situations you’re the only one. I also went thru a dysfunctional family situation, and I’m guessing but probably about 25% to 30% of people - that’s a LOT - go thru some sort of major family issue. But remember, you’re getting older, in a coupla years you will be able to make a decision about where you want to stay. It probably won’t even be easy then - unless you are really fortunate in one way or another, but at least you won’t be a victim of abuse. I know, years is a long time to wait, if you can’t get out sooner. It seems like I’m waffling and not helping, others have already given good advice, I just hope maybe I can make you feel a bit better maybe, understand a bit more. So be strong Zoeyredbird.

Answer #2

well…but try 2 find what shes cutting with and b carefull go throw it away or bury or sumthing but near where you liv that will stop 4 a while until she gets more

Answer #3

aw I’m sorry to hear that sweety if you still go to school you can talk to a counselor they will help you you need to get out of your house as soon as possible! but make sure you talk to a counselor so they can help you ok

Answer #4

well all I can tell you honey is that its not your fault. she is going through things that she doesnt understand and makes her angry. im not saying its ok at all you shouldnt have to be put through that. its not your fault in anyway. my mom was the same way until I went to live with my dad. is there truely NOONE you can talk to like try living witha grandparent or dad or aunt or friend. I no you are not of age but being that she is an unfit parent by all means you will be allowed to. I know you love her but this isnt right. she needs help. she needs to get better before she can even think of taking care of another person. just please know its not you fault. I went through the same thing if you ever need to talk funmail me.

Answer #5

Ok. First of all do not take away her cutting implements, she will just get pissed off at you and go out and get more. Your mother is drowning in misery. I would feel bad for her, but it’s difficult to feel bad for someone who is so self-absorbed and so involved in their own self-pity that they start to take it out on their child. This has nothing to do with you. Children are just convenient scape goats to blame when parents are unhappy. It is so easy to take it out on someone who is dependent on you and will love you anyways because you’re their mom, no one else would tolerate being treated that way. The thing is, you dont need to tolerate it either. You need to tell someone. So she can get help, and so you can be in a safe environment. Do you have a counselor at school? Or a teacher?

Answer #6

I know what its like. I get blamed and yelled at for everything, and my fam has plenty of drunks and druggies. But your lucky she just yells. My mother goes from nice to almost everone else to screaming at me.and gets very psyical. I know it sux, you feel alone and cheated. Its not your fault. You did nothing wrong. You can talk to a councler ( sp?) mabie teacher? Or fun mail me whenever you want. When you dont feel safe or are upset go for a walk get out of the house listen to music and find something that when she yells can help you through it until shes done and comfort your self. Its not easy but not impossible. You sound like a strong person and should be proud of yourself.:)

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