Parents & Family Questions

  1. is hitting spaking slapping considered chile abuse?
  2. why are my parents checking all my stuff?.....
  3. Does birth control need to b prescribed or is it like one of those things u can just get?
  4. Is he considered my cousin?
  5. How do I get my mom to actually think ONE thing posetive about me?
  6. Did you got out and celebrate Father's day?
  7. why does my mom not let me see my bio dad or grandma ?
  8. What should I do if my mom goes to my dad's house and she isn't even back home?
  9. whats you opinion of parents hiring nannies?
  10. Why are my parents so strict?
  11. do you really get being gay from one of your parents ?
  12. How do I learn to forgive my cousin?
  13. how can i fix this?............
  14. how can i move out at 17 without being arrested?
  15. How do i Get closer to my dad?
  16. should we put my drunk uncle in da mental hospital....or not....????
  17. Why do I feel like my mom hates me?
  18. What to do with my fast cousin?
  19. Does anybody else feel like an outcast in their family?
  20. How can I let out my jealousy and rage i have toward my stepmom and stepsister?
  21. What makes a father or mother [parents in general] sorry and useless to you ??
  22. Is it legal for a kids parents to kick them out and make them live somewhere else if the kid is only 15?
  23. What can I do about my family situation?
  24. How do you deal with someone who's absolutely impossible to deal with?
  25. How can I my family to accept me?
  26. What should i do about this situation of my cousin treating his wife like a slave - please read the details?
  27. Who should sleep where with a 2 bedroom house and 3 sisters who are 8, 13, 16 and a 40 year old dad?
  28. How do I ask my mum for the 50 bucks she owes me?
  29. What do you think of children ages 3-10 years old, that look like this?
  30. how does a 13 year old get a dildo without her parents knowing?
  31. Whats the acceptable age in your culture for a woman to have children?
  32. Is it wrong to sneack out to a party my dad sez i cant go to???
  33. whats a good way i can convince my parents to switch me out of my classes ?
  34. How can I convince my dad that his 30 year friendship with his friends mean nothing to his friends?
  35. How do I convince my mom to get internet?
  36. what is going on with mi mom?
  37. How do I have a positive attitude around my family?
  38. Who can help me with family issues?
  39. How can I convince my mum that putting her bank details aren't going to get stolen everytime she puts them on the internet?
  40. What should I do about my brother?
  41. How can i cope about my dad being alone for the rest of his life?
  42. What is the youngest age you can get your nose pierced with parent approval ?
  43. What should I do my dad gets mad so easily if thing dont go his way?
  44. How can I stand being around my mothers ridiculous music?
  45. do you have a favorite sibling?
  46. How fair is it that my brother is getting a new bike and i'm not?
  47. Do headbands hurt babies at all?
  48. How do u know something is wrong in your family?
  49. what do i give her or say to her that would show how sorry i am?
  50. What am I suppose to do now?
  51. How to deal with my dad?
  52. what is a good online store that have kids back to school clothes on sale?
  53. What is the best way to mourn a relatives death?
  54. Do you believe that parenting using "fear" is better or parenting using communication and teaching responsibility is better?
  55. What would you do and how would you react if your teenage daughter told you she was pregnant - mainly for the adults on the site?
  56. Who has had the most influence in your life?
  57. What is the best thing you ever learned from your parents?
  58. why does my mom hate me?
  59. why is my dad always so horrible to me?
  60. how do i give signals to my mom to tell her that i need a bra??!
  61. How can I move out of my house as soon as I can?
  62. Would adoption be okay for this situation?
  63. How do I tell someone's parents that their son is threatening to commit su!c!de or has su!c!dal tendencies?"
  64. How old do you have to be, in the state of Florida, to go in front of a family court by yourself?
  65. why is my mom reluctant to this?
  66. How can I show my mom I appreciate her?
  67. When your 16 can you change schools your self and move somewhere else (with your friend) if you cant stand your family anymore?
  68. What was your pregnancy experience from the day you found out to childbirth?
  69. Who knows if Catelynn & Tyler from Teen Mom / 16 & Pregnant, are brother & sister ?
  70. Who is 18 and still has to follow their parents rules ?
  71. How do I convince my mom to get me a camera?
  72. how should i get my parents to let me walk places alone?
  73. How do I get out of going on our family trip to Chicago???
  74. What can I do about my boyfriend's mother?
  75. Who wrote Dear Mother?
  76. How do i tell my parents that i don't want to live now?
  77. what do you tell someone when they tell you their daddy passed away??
  78. How do I stop my parents from being so over-protective?
  79. Can my 23 year old boyfriend get in trouble if I'm 17 and prego by him?
  80. How do i stop this before it gets worse ?
  81. What do you think about other family members who are jealous of the other having a baby?
  82. How Can I Convince My Mom To Let Me Get A 2 Mounth Old Kitty?
  83. What is the most embarrassing thing your parents do?
  84. What does it mean when you get a message that says something like "FeedPost is not allowed for comments?"
  85. How can I convince my parents to let me go to the movies alone with my friends and no parents?
  86. What are some good last names for my Sim family?
  87. is it fair that my step dad made me quit marching band because we were late getting out of practice?
  88. Is there any cultural meaning behind some asian names(first&last) that rhyme?
  89. Who else has a sibling or family that lives in a different state(s)?
  90. Who loves going to parties when parent's are out of town?
  91. How is a dad emotionally abusive?
  92. how do i convince my parents to trust me again ?
  93. Does anyone have any "coming out" stories? To friends or family?
  94. How can I tell my grandma that I can not stand her disrespectful bf?
  95. How can I feel better and not so left out by my Mom?
  96. how can people get a "thrill" out of child porn?
  97. How can I make it up to my dad?
  98. how can i tell my mom i want to live with my dad who lives in another country without hurting her feelings because my brother and sister did the same thing....?
  99. What do I do if my cousin touched me ?
  100. Does anybody listen to Attila? :0
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