How do i stop this before it gets worse ?

Well Lately my boyfriend and i have been fighting a lot and whenever the are alone he starts hitting me . I never really thought much about it because they were always soft and playful . But Last night we had an argument and we resolved it this morning but later today i was at his house and he just started hitting Meh and pulling my hair and being mean and hurting Meh. At the end of all of it he told Meh that it was for arguing with him . I didn’t know what to do so i just let it go . But a few hours later we got into another argument and he started hitting Meh again but this time he only stopped because his mom came upstairs to check on us because she heard Meh yelling . I don’t know what to do and i’m getting reall scared . . . Somebody help ?

Answer #1

leave him right now, or if you cant leave him, dont see him for a while. hes physically abusing you and thats not okay. if it started small, and hes getting worse, its only going to get even worse. and he could end up really hurting you. if you had a freind in this situation you would probably say “leave him. if he hits you he aint worth it” take the advice you would give to soemone else in this situation, think of it from soemone elses point of veiw. hes only going to get worse. if you cant talk to him, tell him st stop and see him make an effort, he really isnt worth it

Answer #2

LEAVE! thats not okay. you cant trust him if he has hurt you. leave before you get stuck in that abusive relationship. if u think she will help wait for him to leave and ask his mom to take u somewhere… or call a friend or ur parents or anyone to come get you. you shouldnt be staying with him

Answer #3

if i was a male relative/friend of yours id be in prison now for knocking him the fook out!

as the 2 before me have already stated just leave it. (when i have no respect for ppl i call them ‘its’)

Answer #4

Get outta there…leave him. You are watching the progession of abuse…and as it always does…it is getting worse. You think this bad? If you stay, it’s going to get worse and worse and worse. Get out now!!!

Answer #5

If you don’t think you can take the step to leave him on your own, tell your parents. They will forbid you to see him and you can blame it on them. You must however end this relationship now.

Answer #6

I was in a situation like this many years ago and here’s what happened to me: my friends and family found out and I would turn to them every time he hit me, but then I’d always go back to him. My family would get so afraid for me and they’d try to keep me from going back… put alotta stress on my relationships with my family. They got to the point where they stopped helping me because they knew I was just gonna go back to my abusive boyfriend.
The fact is, nobody can help you decide to leave this situation. YOu have to decide that on your own and one day you will. You’ll eventually get sick of it and realize you’re wasting your life and you deserve to be happy. Here’s my advise from my own experience… long as you stay with that loser you’ll be missing out on happy years with a good man who loves and worships you.

Answer #7

First ask yourself a question, If he loves me why does he hit me? and why stay with him, what is my reason for staying with him? I was in this exact same situation when I was 16years old. He started hitting me after 2 months of being together and stupid me stayed for two years. Two years of hell! Why bc i was young and stupid. I stayed with him bc i felt sorry for him, sorry he had an abusive father and no mother around, sorry bc he was poor had no friends. But why stay with someone who does not want to help themselves? He would flip out for no reason at all, it got so bad that he actually would not let me leave his house bc he didnt want anyone to see me but him! DO NOT STAY WITH SOMEONE WHO HITS A WOMEN. They will never change and will always hit you, and any other women they are with. There are many wonderful men, REAL MEN out there who are looking for real women. YOU DO NOT NEED THIS GUY! He will always be sorry for about an hour and after that you will do nothing, make him mad, and he will do it all over again. Trust me, this type of relationship will affect you for the rest of your life. Get out before things get worse then they are. Believe me leaving him will be the best thing you ever do in your life and you will look back at this moment in your life and think what was I thinking staying with someone who treated me the way he did? you can do this.

Answer #8

It’s only going to get worse. Leave now b4 tht happens. He’s an abusive boyfriend, and it could get very dangerous. Get out now!

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