why is my mom reluctant to this?

i have a cellphone, tv, and computer in my room. i have times for which they have to be off. i ALWAYS turn them off when im told. befroe even. so why wont she let me hook up a landline phone in my room? when my friends call i go to my room anyway. and its not like ppl are gonna be calling me in the middle of the night either. how could they anyway? i never get in trouble, good grades, blah blah blah. ive tried looking at this from her point of view but i just dont see a reason for her to not let me have a landline phone. any ideas on why shes not letting me? or how to get her to agree?

Answer #1

Maybe because you already have a cellphone ? Why do you need a cellphone & a landline? You’re only 13.

Answer #2

YA but i can only text with my plan and my cellphone was a christmas gift

Answer #3

irene is right, at 13 you alreday have a lot of things your responsible for (the tv, cell and computer) and at your age it really is a lot you alreday have.theres peopleolder than you that dont have all that. a landline isnt necessary, theres probably a house phone you can use anyway. people can call you at any hour on a landline, as well as on any other phone. your mum has trusted you so much giving you a cell phone and computer (because they both can be very dangerouse, not just for kids but for anyone) so i would say be happy with all the things you have

Answer #4

there are heaps of good plans out there, really though you should get prepaid. vodaphone has great deals when you spend $30 you get $150 worth of calls and text (and you cant call/text 1900/1800 numbers but you dont need to anyway) so maybe ask your mum if you can switch to pre-paid, you can never go over your bill and youll never have to owe more money than you spent. its much better at your age to use pre-paid

Answer #5

Maybe because your mom doesn’t want to have to pay for ANOTHER phone? Phone lines cost money, even more than cellphones do. Unless you have a job to pay for it, that money is coming out of her pockets..

If you don’t plan on using it long anyways, then there’s really no reason you can’t use their phone.

Answer #6

There’s always the house phone. And most people text anyways?

Answer #7

@jazzlovestoskate i do have a prapaid plan

Answer #8

can you guys just forget about this question? nobodys really answering it, they just go on how i dont deserve it and whatnot so just forgat about it

Answer #9

Maybe she doesn’t want to pay for another phone money is tight right now. I don’t know maybe show her that you can handle another responsiblity do jobs around the house and stuff

Answer #10

Children of to-day are so lucky. They have everything, and still they want more! When I was 13, all I had was a portable radio and many children back then didn’t even have that! There wer no computers, mobile phones, or television receivers. If you wanted to listen to some music, you played either a long-playing gramophone recording, or a short-playing 78 r.p.m. disc. There were two Radio Stations in our area, both of them on Medium Wave: no F-M! You couldn’t pick up the ‘phone and dial anyone. If they were out of your area, you had to ring the exchange, and book a call. As for calling overseas, you had to book a call, wait for the operator to ring back, and you then hoped that the short-wave conditions were good enough for the other party to hear you!

Answer #11

Maybe because it is expensive and she wants you to realise that you can’t get everything in life for free? I would have gotten slapped (not kidding) or told of if I had a cellphone that my parents paid for and then demanded a landline.

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