What do you think of children ages 3-10 years old, that look like this?

(see picture) What do you think of their parents? Is this acceptable in your opinion? What are you views and opinions?

Answer #1

This looks like a pageant kid. I was put in pageants since I was a baby. So I think that this is totally fine. I was a kid like that. I don’t see the big deal with it.

Answer #2

I think it’s disgusting. Children should be playing. getting dirty, enjoying life..not practicing to be Paris Hilton….and society wonders why so many girls have esteem issues.

Answer #3

I personally think it’s stupid when parents enter their kids as young as 3 in beauty pageants and I think it doesn’t let them be regular kids. I mean come on. I can understand doing like dressing up and a little bit of makeup sometimes for a special occasion like a wedding but for these things? Kids have their whole lives to get all glammed up so why not let them be children for now

Answer #4

I absolutely agree…

Answer #5


Answer #6

So you think that it’s just stupid? I have been glammed up since i was a baby. I see nothing wrong with it.

Answer #7

I find it just fine. Some kids don’t want to be like other kids. They want to have on a pretty dress and wear makeup and look like a lifesize barbie doll

Answer #8

creepy as hell

Answer #9

What exactly is wrong with it?

Answer #10

Took the words out of my mouth =) No five year old kid should have to be shoved into a mold like that. They’re supposed to be having fun being a kid, not trying to dress like adults and prance around.

Answer #11

The ideality of perfection starts young now. As young as 3, it’ no surprise that girls develop such insecurities so young now. They have standards to meet even before they know what standards mean.

Kari, the reason this is repulsive is simply because you don’t want kids to think that the only thing that matters to be beautiful and not be yourself. It;s severely inconsistent and honestly, it doesn’t give kids their chance to be kids.

Answer #12

if there not in beauty pageants thats nasty and wronge

Answer #13

They’re brought up to want*

Answer #14

Yes I think it’s stupid….beauty pageants focus on what? Beauty, so basically, all you’re doing is telling kids that to be anything in life they need to be beautiful. What kind of message is that? Naturally, someone who has been there would disagree…but you’ve never had to worry about being the ugly child, did you Kari?

Answer #15

Some kids like me did it out of choice. My mama wanted me to do pageants. so she entered me in some when I was a baby. Then when I was 4 i decided i wanted to be a pageant kid

Answer #16

i think that they will turn out to have horrible self esteem and bully other people who dont look like them because they think that they are the sh!t…that happened a lot in my grade school with the girls who looked like barbies

Answer #17

they have young kids with make up on, their hair done up, in the end they look like mini whors. thet pretty messed up.

Answer #18

I think pageants are fine, but these days parents are taking them too far. They are only in it for the pride, fame, and fortune (most of the time)…when they dress their kids like this.

A cute dress, maybe a tiny bit of make up, cute curly hair (what happened to innocent pigtails?) That is all fine for a pageant…but fake teeth (flippers), false lashes, big hair, fake tans, shaved body, etc… is way to far for children that young.

It defiantly has an impact on the child’s life. In some cases, they grow up spoiled, greedy, selfish, and they think they are better than everyone else…

Answer #19

I don’t care if they like dressing up and stuff. I mean hell look at Suri Cruise but her parents have lots of money for that kind of stuff. I just think it’s dumb to pile a whole bunch of makeup on them and make them seem overdone then enter them into competitions that can only cause them to be insecure at a young age

Answer #20

Well not all people who do pageants think that they are the sh!t I dont and neither do my friends that do pageants.

Answer #21

a bit disturbing they shouldnt be growing up so fast

Answer #22

nothing is wrong with that in my opinion

Answer #23

I dont mind it at all.

Answer #24

Why would a 4 year old decide to be in a pageant? Why would a 4 year old even know what a pageant was unless mama started them off in it? Mama wanted you to be in pageants..mama wanted her perfect, pretty little Kari to be special. Well, you know what Kari? It’s child solicitation and it’s wrong on many levels…I’m sure you’ve never given a second thought to that other 4 year old girl who just wasn’t pretty enough to be like Kari and be in a pageant…now that 4 year old girl is probably more well-rounded than you are and far less self-absorbed.

Answer #25

thts cool, it is ur opinion after all.

Answer #26

Kari, you have already stated you opinion, that you find nothing wrong with it…That is fine, it is your opinion…but you don’t need to comment on everyone that doesn’t feel the same as you. They have opinions too.

Answer #27

Kari, you shouldn’t come in here and argue with everyone’s opinion… You’ve posted in every response that doesn’t agree with you. That’s somewhat rude.

Answer #28

This question isn’t about whether pageants are good or not. It’s about whether kids should look like that as young as 3 years old.

Answer #29

i know but im just referring to the girls like that who i went to grade school with…i was always made fun of by them because i wasnt a tiny like them, i wasnt blonde, and i didnt dress like them…im not reffering to all people just the ones i have dealt with for the past seven years

Answer #30

im sure she just wants to know the reasons why i think its creepy.

Answer #31

That’s what I said Cassie…lol

Answer #32

I know that. I know beauty isn’t everything

Answer #33

I didn’t mean you Emily :)…I meant Kari, because she is focusing on whether or not pageants are okay, and not whether or not little girls should look that way or not.

Answer #34

lol? Okay, you know that yet you disagree with it? Seems like you only want to understand what you want.

Answer #35

I’m sorry y’all. Y’all are right. It’s just sort of offensive to me with some of the things that’s being said.

Answer #36

Yea, but it seems like she wants to know why everyone single person that comments reasoning for not feeling the same way as her about the topic.

Answer #37

Less then a minute before me =P I’d been reading all the posts and comments before I posted, after it updated there were like six more responses because my internet takes so long to load things.

Answer #38

oh i was answering kari :P

Answer #39

horribal its not nattral

Answer #40

Haha, it’s okay…two people can say the same thing. :P

Answer #41

maybe shes just interested why. shes been brought up with it being right, id be askin a load of questions if i was brought up on somethin all my life and then had it questiond

Answer #42

oh lol..mix ups :P

Answer #43

I think it’s just sooo horrible..

Answer #44

Look, natural beauty isn’t enough anymore. This is a pretty little girl, without the fake stuff…but I guess real beauty doesn’t count as “beautiful” anymore…

Answer #45

i dont mind it lots of little girls love to wear makeup and play in it and have fun and they want to look pretty like there mothers

Answer #46

Yea, I don’t see anything wrong with that…but these girl aren’t just “dressing up” and “wearing a bit of make up”….the have fake teeth, fake tans, shaved bodies, hair extensions, etc…

Answer #47

ooooh fake teeth tans SHAVING!!!???? that is a bit much i didnt realize it was that serious but as for the extension that seems ok cuz lots of mother put extension in the daughters hair if they r little black girls ive seen it a couple times

Answer #48

disgusting its bad

Answer #49

Yea, extensions aren’t that bad…but yea, 3-10 year old little girls shouldn’t have fake tans, fake teeth, fake eyelashes, loads of (adult) make up, and shaved bodies…

Answer #50

just think of the children..

Answer #51

Some parents even go as far as plastic surgery or botox injections for their child, to get perfect noses, and fuller lips.

Answer #52


Answer #53

WTFF IS wrongg wiht her shee lokss soo badd likee thts not approprate at all!

Answer #54

In her defense, everyone’s practically insulted her family and called her fake and superficial. She has a right to be offended and to defend herself. Especially since every post is saying the same thing. I may not agree with it, I may think it’s bordering on child neglect, but she has a right to express her disagreement.

Answer #55

I agree with you, Colleen.

Answer #56

I have no problem with her expressing her disagreement, or opinion. I just don’t think it is necessary to express it 30 times. We understood how she felt about it the first time. I just feel like she is focused on whether pageants are good or bad, and not whether dressing 3-10 year old girls up like mini fake barbie dolls is good or bad.. I don’t find anything wrong with pageants…I was in one too when I was about 2, but I didn’t dress like a fake barbie doll…(fake teeth, fake hair, fake nails, fake tan, tons of (adult) make up, shaved bodies, etc…

Answer #57

And if this was an intellectual discussion for her and not an emotional one where she felt personally attacked, she probably would have been able to do that. I am not agreeing with her arguments. Just that it makes perfect sense why she’s a little upset with the name calling.

Answer #58

lol, there’s only one difference here, the same point has been expressed 30 times, but by different people, what difference does it make if it comes from one or many people?

Answer #59

The same difference as if one was being hit by one rock or 30.

Answer #60

Directed to Angelee ty :S What I mean is, and this is to you Angelee is that it isn’t much different that if you get hit by one rock from 30 different people than one person hitting you with 30 rocks. Understand?

Answer #61

its like a barbie doll its not a good thing just think how thats ruining their childhood and their skin and hair with all the makeup and hair spray even before their a teen it makes me sick and seriously how is that fun!!

Answer #62

Yea, I get what you are saying… :)

Answer #63

lol, yeah, i kinda got that a little belatedly miguel, sorry :)

Answer #64

personally I think it is uncalled for…parents have to stop trying to live their dreams through their children…all that phony make up, fake lashes pulling the hair & ruining their bodies at such an early age…is that absolutely necessary?!

Kari, I read your posts & all other posts… You have lived through that since a little baby you didnt know any better because you were forced into that glam at an early age, its understandable that you want to pursue it after wards since you got used to it… Now lets say in 5-10 years, you have a your own daughter…would you put her through all of that from the moment she was a baby and then allow her at age 4 to decide if she wanted to proceed doing it til whenever?! If so why…I would really like your input on the situation coming from one that was forced into it since as you put it a baby…if you wouldnt please explain why you wouldnt…i think it is important to really understand from your point of view why you would or wouldnt choose this kind of life for your daughter if you ever have one in the future…

we are all mature adults here, its ok, we dont have to mock anyone for speaking our minds…it is all fair and in good sports at least for me with this question from Kari ‘s point of view on how she would or wouldnt do things differently with her kids!

no need to be hurtful or anything…i am just curious to see what or how Keri views this…not here to judge or anything. Just for future reference!

Thanx in advance!

Answer #65

sorry i misspelled your name…i apologize in advance Kari :(

Answer #66

Jeez that freakin scared that crap outta me!!what the hell…?

Answer #67


Answer #68

How old is that girl?? She has to be cant be under 10. That is highly disturbing, is that like one of those life sized dolls??? Where did u get that?

Answer #69

It’s so sad :/ Kids should be kids. Not miniature barbie dolls.

Answer #70

crosses out has to be lol whoops

Answer #71

That’s scary :/ I don’t think children should be taught to look like that. There suppose to be playing with barbies &stuff not looking like minny prom queen crap type stuff. I don’t see why ppl put there kids in that :|

Answer #72

She was on “toddlers in tiara’s”…I am not sure exactly how old she is, but she is about 8 years old. I know she is under 10.

Answer #73

Ur kidding. R u sure?? Like do they tell their ages and all that? I mean, …. ughh sorry this bothers me alot right now

Answer #74

sad really really sad.

Answer #75

Well kids are for playing or studying in schools…what the heck is this?

Answer #76

I think its cute. Nothing wrong with it as long as they are not hurting or starving the kids. I also think many girls want to do it because they feel special, and YES kids CAN want to do it. Whether it be for the prizes or crowns. I think its perfectly fine, but once the child doesnt want to do it, they dont have to.

Answer #77

Yes, I am sure that it is a real girl, not a doll…and this is real, she was on TV…I am not sure of her exact age, but I know she is under 10. There are others…as young as 3 years old dressing like this.

Answer #78

Personally I think it’s up to the child. If a parent forces their kid to be all dolled up and made into a barbie doll though, that’s just wrong! I’ve seen a lot of young girls who adore the constant pampering and beautifying, but on the other hand there’s lots of babies and toddlers who don’t have a say in the situation! If it’s for fun and the child’s digging it, that’s great, but if they’re not, throw away all the fake! These kids are BEAUTIFUL without the make up, tans, fake nails, and pretty dresses.

Answer #79

Well I wish my mum dressed me up and made sure I looked nice (not to the extremes the pageants go). I used to get picked on in school because I never started looking after my appearance until I was 9/10 which is pretty late. I was bullied every year and didnt ‘get it right’ till I was about 15 and from all the bullying Im permanently scarred and have issues with my weight and looks. I don’t know for sure if that would have made it any different but I really was the ugly duckling.

Answer #80

This is a difficult question to answer. It depends. I don’t agree with it when mothers enter girls into every single pageant out there, they miss school, the get punished if they don’t act right etc. However I do think that one or two pageants can be good for a little girl’s confidence. Also parents allow their kids to choose whether to dance at a young age or do other activities, surely there isn’t anything wrong with letting a little girl take part in a beauty pageant if she wishes too?

I mean, there is a point where this just goes to far and then I find it pretty disgusting, but face it, little girls like dressing up and looking good. The parents should just be responsible enough to know when enough is enough.

Answer #81

one word SAD

Answer #82

If I do have a daughter in the future then I will put her in a pageant when she is like 3-4. I’ll probably put her in a few and see how she likes them. I’m not going to force her to do anything she doesn’t want to do. But if she enjoys doing them then I would let her continue them as long as they don’t interfere with school. I wouldn’t get crazy like some of the moms do. Some FORCE the kid to do pageants and take different kind of pageant lessons. Some moms do the spray tans and go way too far with it. My mom didn’t do that to me, and I wouldn’t do that to my daughter. If my daughter seemed unhappy doing pageants I wouldn’t make her do them anymore. But if she really enjoyed them then I’d continue to let her do them. Most of the time Moms get so wrapped up in the pageants and start forcing the kids to do them and that is just cruel. I think moms are forcing their daughters to do the pageants because the mom wishes it could be them on stage. But like I have said before, I’ve done pageants since I was a baby. There was a few months when I was 6 that I didn’t want to do them. But during that summer I began doing them again. I love doing pageants. My mom doesn’t force me to do them. do them out of my choice.

I hope what I said got your questions answered Temptress. -Kari

Answer #83

surgery? and botox? that is just waaaayyyyyy too far.

Answer #84

let people express their feelings and say whatever they want….people are free they can express their disagreements 100 times…remember we are all friends here and ANGELEE wants our opinion on this picture and its just a discussion between us on this site so dont hurt each other…please..

Answer #85

Thats really sad i cant even look at that

Answer #86

What in the mother f*ck?

Answer #87

What is that orange dress girl doing?? Is like a ritual dance or something?? Talk about ur nightmare on elm stree

Answer #88

What is that orange dress girl doing?? Is like a ritual dance or something?? Talk about ur nightmare on elm street

Answer #89

Why did it post twice???

Answer #90

You hit submit twice. haha The second girl was dancing like a slut.

Answer #91

-sigh- What happened to ballet? Cute little tutu’s? =/

Answer #92

the singer girl was good though

Answer #93

I don’t believe that. What doctor in their right mind would inject that into a child, you have to be a certain age to get that.

Answer #94

Well if i wanted to do it i would because i would try my best and do it for fun ONLY. My parents dont want me to have makeup or tans and stuff. I would like to have a nice dress and show my talent though.

Answer #95

Sluts in training lol

Answer #96

yes it did…and thank you….it helped me and prob a lot of others understand that it wasnt done over board like you said…when mothers go all out of their ways with the false teeth, and fake hair, high heels, spray tans the pulling of their hair & all that make up not to mention waxing all sorts of nips & tucks if necessary and as you put it try to live out their dream forcing their kids & their entire future into doing it. I am glad i got to read your inner feelings as to what you would do if you had a daughter…may I offer you some advice…and it is not criticism in any shape form or way…why not allow her to get to age 4 then actually show her a video of what you did & actually ask her if she would be interested in doing all that before just doing it as it was done to you? I mean I dont know many 3-4 year olds that are interested in doing it unless brought up that way from one generation to another…and this is just my personal 3 cents into it…I would never do that to my child if i had a daughter…to go through competition is nerve wrecking at any age…but at 3 to have to go through all that and for what a crown or a prize of 500 dollars…I would be scared for life…standing half naked in a bikini at 3 years old…with all that pulling my hair & stuff…only because on dr phil what some pageants & their mom’s were doing with their kids, all the crying in pain when the child just wants to play with her dolls rather then get her hair pulled in each other way curling irons & sprays all over… I understand you may have had fun, and wouldnt continue to do it if you were suffering, i just question the parents that dont consider what the child wants or needs…especially at 3-4 years old…screaming crying & in pain that are forced into it…its just sick & twisted…and I think that is what everyone was trying to say about it…not specifically towards you to offend you god forbid in any shape form or way…

I hope you havent been offended by anything i wrote or stated…if you have I apologize in advance & hope you realize that I meant no harm in any shape form or way was just curious to hear your views & your side as to if you would do the same all over again this time for your daughter…and I got my answer. So once again thanks in advance & I hope you have a wonderful evening. - Temptress

Answer #97

Pageants aren’t big in Europe. Clips of US ones sometimes get shown on chat-shows, but only to get groans, head-shakes and laughter from their audiences I’m afraid (sorry Kari!). They aren’t seen as a making a positive contribution to culture - more as sets of parents living out fairy-tale fantasies through their children. Kids of that age are just like puppies, training hard-wires them to accept and behave as we desire and they do their best to please us because we reward them for it. Here we see a little girl made fit for a prince Charming in the hope of an idyllic future life. The ‘beauty’ industry makes a lot of money out of it tho and fans the desire - which puts a lot of other kids under unnecessary pressure. As if designer brands hadn’t caused young people enough problems already! Not good. The negative impact of Disney, perhaps.

Answer #98


Answer #99

i stink??? ….

Answer #100

Well I heard that the parents were getting the “at home collagen injections”…for their kids…and the plastic surgery is not done legally…

Answer #101

I think this is wrong! Its teaching children how to be fake and only care about their looks and not how they act!

Answer #102

Scary! That’s probably some parents who enter their kids in Beauty pagents and brainwash them. But that is really creepy. She won’t get 2 enjoy a childhood by doing that…

Answer #103

It’s okay think_further! I understand your how you could be afraid. My mama never forced me to do them. I just liked getting dressed up in a poofy dress and winning and a crown.

Answer #104

np. Every kid likes to dress up and be someone different - a lot of adults carry on doing it too - and not just for the many tv series fan conventions. Humans have taken the art of display to way more levels than any of our primate ancestors - they only used display as a sexual thing, but we’re way ahead of them in that as well!

Answer #105

lol Some of the moms off Toddlers and Tiaras do take it way entirely too far. The spray tans, waxing, botox, is way too much for kids. If the kid was a teenager and was big into pageants I wouldn’t have a problem with a tan and a wax but DEFINITELY NOT BOTOX!!! I still do pageants but i don’t fake tan and I haven’t ever had botox or plastic surgery.

Answer #106

It is basicaly authorized paedophilia.Plus the poor children have no life they just dress up and peform for their attention seeking mothers.

Answer #107

Whenever I do have kids I won’t force them to do anything they want to do. If I have a daughter and she sees the videos of me doing pageants and she wants to, I’ll let her. But If she says she don’t want to, I won’t make her. I don’t care if you put in your 3 cents…..I thought it was 2 cents lol!!! :) You have not offended me in any way at all. I thank you telling me how you feel and everything else! -Kari

Answer #108

i agree with ty.. kari i have been a beautie since i was an baby too…. i am now 16 and im an model for barbizon where barbie got there name from. i love it and see nothing wrong with a little girl dressing up. its life

Answer #109


Answer #110

YALL ARE VERY RUDE TO TALK ABOUT PEOPELE nd what they want in there life. nobody is talking about you so stop talking bout others. ugh

Answer #111

i agree with irene. thats not true. any doctor in there right mind wont do it.

Answer #112

Jakala, there is no need to yell…she was only stating her opinion, which she has a right to do. She didn’t say anything out of the way. She simply stated how she feels about it…notice, she said I think this is wrong!…

Answer #113

its like yall dont think about other people feelings. she said its teaching children how to be fake and only care about their looks which isnt true at all

Answer #114

Well it’s HER opinion. It is what she thinks about it…just like you have you opinion on what you think about it. So what, you two feel differently about a subject…that doesn’t mean either one of you is wrong.

Answer #115

Like I said, it is being done illegally…so of course, the doctor’s aren’t in their right mind.

Answer #116

I’ve done modeling here and there and recently did some for Envy Boutique. I just like dressing up

Answer #117

being a pageant girl means ur mom or dad is in to win 4 the money not 4 u sorry the truth hurts!

Answer #118

That’s not true in every case. Some, yes….but not all.

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