Education & School Questions

  1. how could i write a speech on education?
  2. can i still graduate in 2 years if im currently doing 5th grade math,6th grade writing,reading,social studies,science?
  3. who thinks after finishing 8th grade its possible to go to college?
  4. What are some good ways to avoid the Freshman 15?
  5. Whats the best thing about college?
  6. Can you help me get over my fear of starting freshman year?
  7. What do you do in child development class?
  8. what age can you get your license in CA?
  9. Who knows if teachers can get fired by cursing at students?
  10. why do teachers get paid less..its one of the worst paying college degrees?
  11. can i still get my teachers credential with felonies on my background?
  12. what are the math levels starting from pre algebra?
  13. can learning disordered still attend college and graduate high school?
  14. Who knows a GOOD website that I- a freshman in high school this year- can be prepared into the becoming of a Psychologist?
  15. What are good things to say for a wedding speech?
  16. What is wrong with high schoolers and cliques in my school band?
  17. what does it mean "does this picture have texture" ?
  18. Where would be a good college to go to for Marine Biology?
  19. What is university life like when you do not live on campus?
  20. Why is it that when school starts sometimes you might have to go to first period first instead of homeroom?
  21. when a symbol such as is placed between two expressions what is it called!!?
  22. what do i put in my jaws conclusion?
  23. who thinks i should be worried that i can't even do pre algebra and i am going to college?
  24. What are some grade 11 courses in Ontario?
  25. Why do astronauts eat weird food?
  26. Who thinks i should take my first responders class ?
  27. What is University life like?
  28. How do you do this math problem step by step?
  29. How do you show you have school spirit with a uniform?
  30. What are the general requirements for history bachelor in arts degree
  31. Is it true that Silly bands are banned from all schools for being distracting?
  32. What are some things a person should know about High school AP Statistics?
  33. Is Hollywood Arts High School an actual school???
  34. What is a current event topic I should do my research paper on?
  35. is there free online credit recovery classes?
  36. Does an over the shoulder bookbag have to be in a locker or can you bring it into class with you?
  37. Where do you see yourself in the next ten years or more?
  38. Where can I find an example or something on how to write an outline if APA format?
  39. What shall i take with me to school on my first day back in year ten?
  40. is there a subject u can major in that doesn't include math?
  41. What could cause a school lockdown other than a shooting?
  42. What are three main points in To Kill A Mockingbird?
  43. what are compatible numbers???
  44. Which part in Macbeth is the easiest to preform in class?
  45. what song should i sing for my school talent show?
  46. How did the attitudes about Southern women and poor whites complicate the Scottsboro Trials and the trial of Tom Robinson in To Kill a Mockingbird?
  47. What subjects would be needed if you want to do Forensic Psychology?
  48. Are there any scholarships for children who have parents with disabilities for college?
  49. what classes do i need to take to become a history teacher?
  50. what extracurriculars can i do in high school to have a better chance of getting into college?
  51. Are there any websites whereby I can download all types of maths questions?
  52. how do i become a professional basketball player AND study to get a decent job?
  53. What do you usually draw when you paint or sketch?
  54. What is more difficult geometry or algebra 2 ?
  55. Do you think its better to follow your dreams of performing or being academic and becoming a barrister?
  56. Can anyone write me a short story in the third person?
  57. What's a good topic to write a reflective essay??
  58. What are some problems in your highschool that can be fixed with a thought out plan?
  59. Who has read the book The Awakening by Kate Chopin?
  60. what is 1,054 divided by 31 ?
  61. what are american high schools like?
  62. Should I stay in summer school?
  63. where can i find info about canada university for bachelor degree?
  64. What is the easiest way to learn your times tables ?
  65. What should I do, stay in Catholic school or go to public?
  66. How do i save some time for playing in 9th grade?
  67. what is a good way to hang a poster without putting a hole in the wall or anything sticky on the paint??
  68. What are some effective ways to study to prepare for exams that deal with memorization of dates and history, when all you have to study is a textbook?
  69. How will I avoid people bullying me at school and online?
  70. how can i draw peoples figures for fashion designing?
  71. What's the highest I can raise my 1.3 gpa up to?
  72. what does it mean when your friend say your going to be bait in high school ?
  73. Is it bad to be in a bunch of clubs freshmen year?
  74. What're some good school clubs to join?
  75. Why do I have Pdd?out of what percent of people have this diability?can I graduate high school with this condition?My teacher says I have a delay in
  76. how do i get back?
  77. Who here has went to or is going to a college hours away from home?
  78. What are some good things to keep in your locker for 7th grade?
  79. Do any other schools anywhere give out netbooks to sudents for their school work?
  80. What courses do i gotta take to be an ea?
  81. What are some must haves for university?
  82. Did you take Trigonometry before you took Physics?
  83. Where are some other places i can look for scholarships?
  84. What kind of strengths should you have for AP Physics?
  85. Which one should I take: AP Bio, Chem, or Physics my senior year?
  86. Do they cover evolution in AP Biology?
  87. how to solve my problem? i wanna cum but i cant
  88. Who thinks that bullying is becoming a really big problem today in schools, work, computer, etc...?
  89. what does "suffix" mean not the grammer word?
  90. Whats that disorder or whatever where you have no or little empithy?
  91. Should I Double major in Animation and illustration?
  92. Do you think that teaching yourself is a good and effective way to go?
  93. Do you think that taking ALL AP classes your senior year is a good idea?
  94. What do you think is wrong with your current education system?
  95. What helps for exam stress?
  96. What school is the best one to go to become a Pediatrician(a baby doctor)?
  97. how can i get 7 bnds in ielts test?
  98. why do people care so much about maners?
  99. How do you know if somebody is not a native speaker?
  100. Are you supposed to move back in with your parents after college?