What helps for exam stress?

I am really stressed out. I am writing two 6 hour tests, one on Tuesday and one on Wednesday integrating all my subjects. I have been studying for them a long time, yet I feel like I know nothing and I keep getting tension headaches, my neck is sore and even though I am tired I have insomnia and have not been able to sleep more than 6 hours a night. So does anyone have any quick fixes, that doesn’t take too much of my time, since because I am studying about 10 hours a day.

Answer #1

Studying in advance, taking time to chill out with friends, laughing a lot, and deep breaths :)

Answer #2

get a good nights sleep the night before…. sorry i test really well…. thats all i got 4 u

Answer #3

i know you must be in tension ‘what if i forgot something?’ my sister always told me that never study right before the exams,probably 15 minutes.this makes you more confused what to see what not to see..etc.she also tells me to have water with me during exams as they really help you and your brain get more oxygen as well.you can do one thing,see through all your chapters and keep them ticking,i know there must be a lot of chapters so its a better way of revising them and later NO need to read them again,it makes everyone feels that they will forget but it does not happen at all,trust me,ya but only if you have given that chapter time and attention. it always helps when you read in your mind without any lip movement and keeping a pencil,that always helps to read more faster.make your target each day and complete it,you will feel good after completeing your targets and you may sleep well also without thinking about it.also i will suggest that do difficult things now and easier things later,take things more lighter the day before the exam,i know it sounds strange but the more lighter you take it the more it helps you with stress.dont study regularly for two or three hours,that will make you more tired,take some rest,eat and enjoy in between a BIT and then you may continue with your studies. i hope you do well!all the best!

Answer #4

I always get really stressed about exams… I just do heaps of study but I make sure I get lots of breaks in between where I will go for walks or just relax and drink herbal tea. Although, stress when you are studying may not be such a bad thing! I recently learned the most bizarre study techinique! I had to give a lecture on stress hormones and, apparently, higher stress hormones while you are trying to learn things is really helpful for forming long-term memory and you can raise your levels of cortisol with cold showers. Not very fun, but I know people who swear it helps them remember stuff! On the other hand, high stress impairs your ability to recall information so try to keep calm when you are actually in the exam. Also, Im certain you know more than you think because I always feel the exact same way. Im sure you will do really well!

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