What are some good ways to avoid the Freshman 15?

Answer #1
  • Try not to eat out too often. It will be tempting, with a busy schedule and not having much time to prepare food, but really, it’s not that hard to put a mini fridge and a microwave in your room with a few easy meals to make that are healthier and cheaper than getting some kind of fast food. I know I lived in residence and this was hard to do, but often my friends and I would pool together funds and make one big supper for all of us to share, it was pretty awesome. Try and stay active, another thing that is important to work into schedule, it’ll make you feel a lot better and help with stress too in most cases. Avoid falling into the typical “party guy” stereotype that happens to a lot of people at university. Beer and many other alcohols aren’t healthy. Neither is the greasy food you eat when you’re drunk or hungover. I mean, you’re going to want to go out, just don’t let it get out of control, from what I’ve seen it’s easy to do.
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