Why is it that when school starts sometimes you might have to go to first period first instead of homeroom?

That happened today. I went to homeroom and the teacher looked at me like I was weird and told me to go to first period. Like how was I supposed to know? I don’t read minds

Answer #1

In my high school, we don’t have this “homeroom” deal lol. We just go to first period and that’s that :P

Answer #2

Okay then lol. But it was not like I was late for school or anything. I got there on time and it just got me confused.

Answer #3

I know how you feel… They just told me to go in and look? Well, alright, if I knew which floor to start with that might help!

Answer #4

ohh well in my school we have o go to homeroom the first day of school because thats where they giv you your new classes soooo if u ddnt go to homeroom u dnt kno wat your new classes r

Answer #5

hehe maybe it’s bcz you have lockers in the hallway in high school….! In Queens, NY, when I was growing up…we also went to homeroom first then 1st period…had to hang up coats, and get books for first period…:) Maybe in her high school its different…:)

Answer #6

We don’t have lockers lol… My school is extremely poor :(

Answer #7

Well we’re not getting lockers til tomorrow. It just annoys me. I wish I can just walk in the school and know automatically where I have to go

Answer #8

that definitely makes sense…that is how it should be… I dont know what is up with the new system…but back in the day school wasnt in til Sept 14th…since holidays begin anyways…then they pushed it Sept 1st…now it’s not even mid Aug & you guys already back in school…sheesh! :( I feel so bad for kids now a days!

Answer #9

lol, Miguel…that’s da Bronx for you! :P (jk cerido!)

Katarina, I am sure your going to know where to go in no time…i had that same feeling when i got into a public jhs after being sheltered in a private school that was from 1st grade to the 8th grade…finally i broke free at 7th grade & was shocked to find so many classrooms in public school…running from one floor to another…it seemed like a whole new world & boy did i get confused in the beginning…I have all the confidence in the world that you are going to find your way really quickly…just have some patience and all will be a ok! :)

Answer #10

Thanks! But nevermind. I talked to one of my friends who goes to the same school as me and she said from now on you go to first period first so I’m glad I talked to her. Now I’m not confused. Thanks anyways

Answer #11

sweet…good luck tomorrow!

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