Questions & Answers

  1. I have to miss abc Lost tonight.
  2. Should I forget about both girls?
  3. should I have sex with him or not
  4. I want to get over him
  5. Leggy Money Tree
  6. Cat ate my Beta fish, will he be ok?
  7. He cheated, but still calls...
  8. My MySpace account was hacked into, what to do?
  9. Ultra sound says im not pregnant but test do?
  10. Who is your favorite on Gray's Anatomy?
  11. I missed abc's lost last week.
  12. What did they find on sarah evans husbands computer?
  13. What's a way to get THC out of your system?
  14. flakey nipples
  15. Do you know how to get ride of acne?
  16. I'm losing control!
  17. Is Zyladex Plus available at pharmacies?
  18. help telling my parents about new friend that is a girl
  19. Halloween party games for teens.. I need some ideas before the 28th
  20. Are these normal bowel movements for a one year old?
  21. Masturbaing
  22. My girlfriend and I had sex
  23. Birthday Help Please!
  24. What can't I cum??
  25. Relationship Problems
  26. Is he cheatin?
  27. Preventing UTIs
  28. I would like know how tasest like....
  29. Tax consequences of" real estate swap"
  30. Has anyone heard about the herpes at Olive Garden
  31. 1st Birthday etiquette
  32. wan to look really old
  33. what is this food called
  34. unsure
  35. Where is Tanzania?
  36. What is the real difference between republicans and democrats?
  37. Are we meant to be
  38. how to fit in the size...3?
  39. I still love him
  40. A Crush
  41. Canada border crossing
  42. Why is it me,?
  43. 21.3 pound cat
  44. Barking dog when owners away
  45. How to get rid of a callus?
  46. capital gains tax rate
  47. What is
  48. what is the smptoms of being pregnant
  49. Does drinking tea help ward off stress?
  50. Why does life seem so unfair sometimes?
  51. What's the best advice you've been giving on raising children?
  52. Why do all politicians say such dumb things?
  53. Trouble with eye liner
  54. Should I try gymnastics again or not?
  55. How can I get rid of crabs?
  56. Do you re-gift?
  57. Is Mel Gibson an anti semite?
  58. Can you lose weight by sleeping more?
  59. How did we end up with a Christmas tree?
  60. Is there a remote control for the Ipod?
  61. How do I replace a tail light in my BMW?
  62. What is the best way to study foreign language?
  63. How do I DIGG
  64. Who is Flava Flave and what is Flava of Love?
  65. Drowning in debt
  66. Do you have to smoke to get a marlboro catalog?
  67. Gyms/ Wellness Centers
  68. What would my hair do permed?
  69. I need a recpie for a pumpkin pie to be made from scratch...
  70. am I jealous or not?
  71. Is Amazon's premium shipping service worth buying?
  72. What do I do my son's 8th birthday?
  73. my 17th birthday
  74. Should I see her agian
  75. starting rubber band ball
  76. what would men like women to do after they cum?
  77. Braiding a Baby Money Tree
  78. Pus coming out of a Belly Button?
  79. Guy i like
  80. Why do lower ab exercises, shouldn't I work my whole stomach?
  81. Low calorie cooking ideas or other food for thought?
  82. Busting out of my pants, how do I lose my gut?
  83. What is he best gold jewelry cleaner?
  84. Where can I buy a discount prada purse?
  85. Names of Santa Claus's Raindeer
  86. How many candles are in a Chanuka Menora?
  87. Gingerbread House
  88. What the heck was I thinking....
  89. chubby?
  90. Is it too early to think about christmas presents?
  91. Feeling Thin
  92. what to do for my 17th birthday
  93. itchy flaky vaginal skin
  94. What are teeth?
  95. what is a good , hard question to ask someone about a book?
  96. No motivation or time management
  97. lie detector test
  98. what is a good question to ask someone about a book ?
  99. Geodesic Dome Home
  100. I dont know id im pregnant