I still love him

I broke up with my boyfriend after 3 months becuase I got the feeling he didn’t like me anymore. So now, at he’s going out with my best friend! I’ve begun to relieze that she isn’t a very good friend. But I still love him and miss him. But lately, he’s been really mean. Cussing me out and calling me fat, those sort of things. As much as a hate him for being like this, I want him back. So people says he’s just doing these things to make me jelouse, and that he was mad when I broke up with him. But what am I supposed to do ???????

Answer #1

There are many reasons as to why he may be acting this way with you part could be that he still likes you but because of how much pride guys tend to have doesnt want to show it and would rather spend time pretending to dislike you so he could hide emotion or part could be he got over you and has moved on that being said you could never seem to forget about the ones you truely cared about no matter what happens because eventhough you may hate eachother now there is still parts of him you cant forget and maybe every now and then parts of you he will never forget.


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