What would my hair do permed?

I am 14 years old with thick, somewhat frizzy, naturally curly hair. I always get up early for band, cross country practice after school, then homework so I don’t have much time to ever do much with it. I normally have it straightened and it looks fine, but it’s getting damaged. When I do decide to wear it curly, I wash it, put get in, and use a blow dryer diffuser on it. My friends all like the way it looks but I don’t! I’ve considered a perm to get the curls I want. One hairstylist said it’d probably work with me but another told me my hair would turn even frizzier. I’m wondering if anyone has any thought about what my hair would do if it’s permed. Is there anything that works great for all of you that lets you have your dream curls without hours of work?

Answer #1

Hey, am I perfect to answer this one! My hair is crazy curly/frizzy. DON’T get a perm, or straighten it anymore, or do ANYTHING to dry it out, as that is what makes it frizz even worse! What I do is: wash your hair, then…take some conditioner, yes, normal conditioner, (OUTRAGEOUS works absolutely the BEST) put some in the palm of your hand, put enough in your hair so it feels slick, and DON’T RINSE IT OUT. Then…brush your slimy hair into the shape you want, wringlets, or plaster it to your head. Then, let it dry, NO HAIR DRYERS. The very very best way to get absolutely beautiful hair…is big curlers. The shine, the bounce, is unbeleivable! And that conditioner makes your hair super shiney, and it smells GREAT! Trust me, I have BEAUTIFUL hair…unless I get caught in a rainstorm. Please try this…nobody has curlier hair than me. My natural hair looks like I got a poodle perm. My hair looks silky, smooth and shiny after I do what I told you to do. You won’t believe it!

Answer #2

i permed my hair at 14 cos of the frizz but a perm cant take to ur hair prople till u stop puberty around 16, so it will just make it wores

Answer #3

look i had my hair permed and it totally broke competle off, off.i had the prettest hair it was 3 feet long and it sribbled up and broke offff dont do it please……….!

Answer #4

I had naturally frizzy hair, I tried getting it permed to help it. It didn’t do anything. It turned into a waste of money. It didn’t make it frizzier or smoother. When you wear it curly, try using mousse instead of gel. It helps mine stay in place and gives it more body. Also, when you use the diffuser, put it on high heat, but on low blowing. If it is on high blowing, it seperates the curls creating frizz.

Answer #5

if u already have naturally curly hair, then a perm wouldn’t do much. What a perm does is give u natural looking ringlet curls, but if would probably just make ur hair frizzyer. Now, if u straighten it, do u use heat protectent gel or spray? becuase that stuff will help keep ur hair from frying.

Answer #6

I have permed hair and I’m beening pressured into cutting off my hair and I do not know what to do, I want to get away form the perm but my mother is beening hard on me about when I’m older I can cut it off.but I’m a reiligous person. soo I need advice on how to help my hair grow faster if I cut it off ?

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