Is he cheatin?

Oksy im inthe 9th grade andhe’s in the 10th we went out before for about 2 months. He asked me back out and I said yes of course I like the boy a lot!!! BUT wheni told a girl we went out she was like oh. he has or had a rush on my friend cherry but she went out with jaquez. I was like hmmm… why’s he with me then? today at skool my boyfriend di’t even spea untill after lunch but during lunch he was with cherry. I didn’task him yet cause I cain’t get in contact with hym. he wont talk all of a sudden. I blew hym off when he finnaly spoke cause I cain’t take this right now. usually I would’ve told hym whut’s up then but I was to madd to even look at hym. whut do yooh think?

Answer #1

Isnt it obvious? he was with you, then he wanted her, he found out she wanted someone else, so he didnt wanna be lonely so he came back to you, but in the meantime still hangs out with her to see if he can have her eventually, but so he isnt lonely he’ll keep you on the side until he can have her! Its that simple. Do you wanna be his doormat? dont allow him to treat you this way! you are nobodys doormat and deserve to be with someone who gives you his full attention and isnt secretly hoping to be with someone else. Confront him about it and find out the truth asap and then be done with his sorry a$$ you deserve better.

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