Questions & Answers

  1. What is your opinion on Mormons?
  2. What's good stuff to eat on a diet?
  3. How to lose 40 lbs?
  4. What's the fastest way to lose 15 pounds?
  5. How do I become a Travel Agent?
  6. How can I get better quickly?
  7. Why do people bother being sad ?
  8. Which Is The Best Honeymoon Destination In Europe?
  9. Why does the first painting of Adam and Eve show belly buttons?
  10. Declaration of Independence principles?
  11. What are your New Year's resolutions?
  12. Should I buy this DS game again?
  13. Have you heard Brian Reagon?
  14. What do you think of these baby names?
  15. Where can I find a fun hands-on job?
  16. Is it weird that I want a child at 15?
  17. Does watching porn shorten growth?
  18. What do you think of the growing power of gay activists?
  19. What brand of jogging clothes for winter?
  20. Should I start auditioning for movies?
  21. What is the greatest lesson you have ever learned?
  22. Why won't my MP3 player work?
  23. How much snow did you get?
  24. How to persuade my parents for a puppy?
  25. How to convince my Dad to cut down on his drinking?
  26. Does masturbating stop my period from coming?
  27. Why can't I help my friend's smoking problem?
  28. Has anyone heard of Runescape?
  29. How to bring myself to focus and study?
  30. Am I throwing up from eating meat?
  31. How can I make my own mobile websites?
  32. What do you feel when you hear this word?
  33. What does it mean to sing from your stomach?
  34. Why do I keep dreaming about Nick Jonas?
  35. Why does my stomach hurt every time I eat?
  36. Is "Taare Zamin Par" the best movie ever made on children?
  37. Average weight for 5 10ft?
  38. Did Kurt Cobain commit suicide or was he murdered?
  39. Why is my rubber tree losing its leaves?
  40. When is it too late for an abortion?
  41. Are the answers to my questions appearing?
  42. What should I do about my boyfriend?
  43. How can I find invisible buddies in MSN messenger?
  44. Gmail and Yahoo Messenger from mobile?
  45. How do you get your brother to STOP blackmailing you?
  46. How to tell the gender of a ferret?
  47. How to get into blocked sites?
  48. How to start intimacy with my girlfriend?
  49. Double background layouts?
  50. How fast can Devin Hester run?
  51. My insecurities...should I really be worried?
  52. How much should I weigh?
  53. WoW guild rankings
  54. What do I do when my pregnant Chihuahua is having babies?
  55. Where do you get Bebo skin patterns ?
  56. How do I tell my parents that I lost my new phone?
  57. How to lose weight when I can't stop eating?
  58. How to motivate myself to lose weight?
  59. How can I minimize the orange in my bleached hair?
  60. How do Doctors know if you're depressed?
  61. Can I get a stolen iPod back?
  62. Why do some people just look bad in pictures?
  63. Why can't I sleep?
  64. What should a friendless person do?
  65. Does anyone ever feel like they are living in a dream?
  66. Should I hang onto him?
  67. Will eating half of my meals help me lose weight?
  68. What are your top five favorite bands/singers?
  69. Is depression hereditary?
  70. How to get my parents to get a cat?
  71. What are some good sites for music videos?
  72. What games can you play on the XBOX 360?
  73. What if this boy always picks on me?
  74. How to stop a pop up blocker?
  75. How do I contact the different nationalities friends?
  76. Guys, do you think I'm pretty?
  77. How would you describe Hollywood?
  78. What's the name of the drummer from 30 Seconds to Mars?
  79. Is being a flight attendant a good job?
  80. Why am I falling for jackasses?
  81. Is it possible to numb your tongue before a piercing?
  82. How do you say this guy's name?
  83. Can I take vitamins with Multiple Sclerosis?
  84. Do you think skaters are outcasts?
  85. What are phrases to use so I don't eat?
  86. Do I have Bipolar disorder?
  87. Why am I so sad?
  88. Why am I so depressed?
  89. How to control my temper with my boyfriend?
  90. Can anyone help me with pre-Calc?
  91. What is the purpose of a Pumice stone?
  92. What if I love a girl and I'm a girl?
  93. Can you talk to the dead?
  94. Should I make a Myspace account without my Mom knowing?
  95. What's the difference between these layouts?
  96. How do I get my weight back to normal after two kids?
  97. What brand type is better?
  98. Why am I scared to carry a purse?
  99. How to use FunAdvice?
  100. How do I get my 8 year old cat to stop urinating?