How to persuade my parents for a puppy?

Hi my name is Mark,iam 13,I love animals and iam wanting responsibility of owning a puppy.I live in a 3 bedroom house and they are all fairly big(I share a room with my twin brother ower room is the biggest).Iam wanting a labradore Retriever puppy because I know I can look after one and I love animals.My parents both work and iam at school but my friend has a puppy and he keeps his in a large cage when he is at school so I will do that with mine when iam at school.I have reserched this breed and puppies but I cant find the answer to these questions.

Can you please answer these questions (or the ones you know) How much is a labrador retriever puppy in pounds How can I perswade my parents to let me get a puppy

I have been looking after a hamster for about 3-4month and not once have I had to be asked to clean it or feed it but still my parents are persistant not to let me.

PLEASE<PLEASE HELP ME Thanx to you all who write advise

Answer #1

well a labrador puppy usually costs between $400- $1000 so they are quite expensive. well you could show your parents how mature you are by doing things around the house and helping with stuff. I hoped I helped…x

Answer #2

Puppies cost between £200-£550 if they’ve come from a good breeder. If you find them cheaper, ask yourself why they want to be rid of it, it might not come from a good home. If you get a puppy/dog from a rescue centre, yes it will be cheaper but you don’t have the history and it could be a very badly behaved dog because of bad treatment/breeding.

I’m 18, I don’t go to college/uni at the moment, so I’m in all day. I work up to four nights a week, each shift is two and a half to three hours, and whilst I’m at work, my mum is at home. I have the time to raise and train a puppy, you REALLY don’t. Parents seem to know best, and my mother claims she doesn’t want a dog, so unless I earn a lot of money and move out, I’m not getting one. Yes I’m devastated, cried and stomped my feet a little, I’ve dreamt of training my own dog since I knew what a dog was!

Labradors are BIG dogs, they need a LOT of attention. A friend of mine had a black lab and even at two and a half years she was still very excitable, jumping up at everyone and begging for exercise and attention. If both your parents are at work all day there is NO way in hell that you should be thinking of getting a dog, especially a puppy. It doesn’t matter how big the cage is, you can’t jsut dump a puppy in the cage whilst you go out and live your life. think of it as, your mum and dad have a new baby, but they still go out to work and you still go to school, but ‘it’s ok, we’ve got a big cage!’ Is that baby going to last twenty minutes being left alone, locked up in a huge cage, starving because it’s eaten and drunk all it’s food and water you left, pooing and weeing itself because it doesn’t know to hold it in until mummy and daddy get back ‘it will have a nappy on!’ and it will have a very poorly bottom from being left in a bag of its own poo and wee. Dogs don’t have nappies and when they need to go, they go. You will have to spend at LEAST 6-8 months with it all day everyday. So unless your parents are willing to go to jail for letting you play truent whilst you look after this puppy, I’d think again. They cost a HUGE amount of money. They’re not just big hamsters, they’re babies that will only grow into hyperactive children, are you ready to have a child? are your parents prepared to look after YOUR child whilst you get your education sorted out? I very much doubt it. You can say good bye to all the spare time you have, so when will you get your home work done? And next year you’ll start with coursework, that’s like childbirth! Can you devote 15 years of your life to a furry, four legged, child? Can your parents afford to pay for another child (you cost your parents a HELL of a lot of money, they go to work for you, they’re BOTH working their butts off for YOU. Remember that next time you ask for a ps3, or a labrador)

You have to think about your education and career as well. One thing that’s stopping me from getting a dog, is because I still want to further my education and the type of job I want means moving around the country, it’s a huge decision, the career you want, or a horrible job that will pay so you can have a dog. I’m still deciding.

I hope I’ve helped, because I really don’t think you understand just how much time, effort, patience and money dogs cost. Also, the bigger the dog, the more money will be spent and poop will come out onto your mothers lovely garden. I think it’s best for you to get a dog when you’re an adult earning good wages with time to spare. The same goes for me. It’s sad I know )= Good luck anyway!

Answer #3

by not doing what they say for a while till they give up and buy you a dog I would go for a small dog like a yorkshire terrier

Answer #4

Labrador puppies are indeed expensive costing $400-$1000+. That is just to purchase the AKC purebred labrador puppy. You need to take into consideration that these puppies require good quality dry dog food and also nutritious treats. This gets quite expensive as labradors eat a lot. They also need things to chew on such as rawhides or biscuits. Most labrador puppies grow into nice big dogs.

Puppies also need to be potty trained. So don’t be surprised if there are accidents inside for awhile until the puppy gets the hang of going outside to do his/her business.

Labrador retriever is a gentle natured breed of dog and loving.

Answer #5

To persuade your mum to get a dog dont nag on at her. Come up with a idea like that I am going to rescue 1 and give it a loving home. Or say I will pay for it and be responsible for it. It works so go on try you never know!

Answer #6

dont you dare leave a puppy in a cage for the time that you r at school. animal cruelty that is.

Answer #7

dont get one if your going to leave it in a cage meanie!

Answer #8

hey, I totally understand your situation because im in it too! I want a black lab puppy! I tried this method and it worked. you have to show how mature you are, and be really responsible around the house. research the breed and write down all of its good points. write down what you would need to take care of it and how, then plan a schedule on how you would fit in looking after your puppy. you MUST be humane and let it roam free in only one room, like a utility room or bathroom (keep loo lid shut, I have heard nasty stories about dogs drowning in toilest!) walk it in the morning and afternoon, and fill up its water bowl regularly. it will need to be potty trained, so let it poop and pee in the bathroom, then the moment you get home take it for a walk. when it poops or pees outside, praise it with a treat on tell them they are a good dog in a higher pitched voice. back to pursuasion, you just need to show you are responsible, then sit your parents down and show them what yo have done. I hope it will work and good luck (by the way,suggesting that it should be neauted is a very good idea!)

xx darcy r

Answer #9

im not sure how much it is, but you can go to your parents and say to them that you think you are old and responsible enough for a puppy,if they say no, then ask them if you can get something smaller (like a hamster) and take care of it for a while, to prove to them that you r responsible enough to handle a puppy!

Answer #10

our family is a rich family so money isnt the problem but the thing is my mum isnt such a animal lover so we cant get one

have you asked you mum first and asked her why?

Answer #11

instead of bying one from a breeder why not adopt one, in ireland its only 30 euro so I dont think it would be muh more than that. you can get one thats already trained and neutered

Answer #12

I have two labs and I can tell you they get big. one of them is 90 lbs and the other is 70. Prove yourself.

Answer #13

I know how you feel, I’m 12 and I’ve been non-stop begging for one for about five months, my mum and dad just won’t seem to come around ! I’m not going to give up though ! You should research labradors and then impress your parents with your knowledge of them ! Also if you have any other pets start to take care of them by yourself to show how resposible you are ! If all else fails then you can do what I’m doing and save up so you have enough money yourself, of course you’ll still have to ask your parents permission but then they won’t have to pay for all of the dog, maybe you could buy all of its accessories.

I really hope I helped and if it works leave a comment to say so please !


Answer #14

There may be a smaller type of dog that doesn’t mind being left alone for longer that would be suited to your family. Labradors get big, trust me my friend has one and they need a lot of space because they don’t stay puppies for ever. I think it is better to have a smaller dog that you can let run around in the garden rather than keep it in a cage where it would get boared. I am in the same position, I am 12 and I want a dog, but my parents just aren’t really animal people. I think it is best to just keep on begging until they give in. Also, get your friend to tell your parents how great dogs are.

Answer #15

You’re 13 & you want a dog? May I suggest that you get a smaller dog, labradors are quite big dogs. Im getting a puppy next year, King Charles they’re small!

Answer #16

im 13, both my parents work, I go to school all day and I have two guineapigs and two gerbils. Im got a puppy last november. When I had to persuade my parents to let me get a dog I got a saturday job, looked after my other pets on my own really well, helped around the house, didnt spend my money on anything and whenever I asked and they said no I didnt argue back or sulk. You should get a job and help around the house like I did to show them you are responsible and mature enogh for a dog.

When we werent home all day we started out by buying a pen thats quite big and gave him loads of toys and left the radio on by him so he was fine for most part of the day. I also walked him once before school, once straight after and once after I ate dinner. Then when he got puppy trained we got a dog flap so he could stay inside and out in the garden still with a radio.

thats how I got my dog so I hope this helps! x

p.s It depends where you want to get your lab from and dont leave it in a cage it will go mental…

Answer #17

Can I also say that it’s not just about showing your parents how responsible you are, but you need to think in terms of money. It’s you who wants the dog, not your parents, and they aren’t gonna spend money on anything if they don’t want the dog. Plus, you can’t keep a dog locked in a cage all day..especially if its a big dog that needs lots of exercise! It’s not fair! Wait until you’ve left school! I’m in college now…three days a week…and the hours are pretty flexiable! …If you manage to convince your parents in to getting a dog, may I suggest you buy a book on all the breeds…!

Answer #18

Puppies cost between £200-£550 if they’ve come from a good breeder. If you find them cheaper, ask yourself why they want to be rid of it, it might not come from a good home. If you get a puppy/dog from a rescue centre, yes it will be cheaper but you don’t have the history and it could be a very badly behaved dog because of bad treatment/breeding.

I’m 18, I don’t go to college/uni at the moment, so I’m in all day. I work up to four nights a week, each shift is two and a half to three hours, and whilst I’m at work, my mum is at home. I have the time to raise and train a puppy, you REALLY don’t. Parents seem to know best, and my mother claims she doesn’t want a dog, so unless I earn a lot of money and move out, I’m not getting one. Yes I’m devastated, cried and stomped my feet a little, I’ve dreamt of training my own dog since I knew what a dog was!

Labradors are BIG dogs, they need a LOT of attention. A friend of mine had a black lab and even at two and a half years she was still very excitable, jumping up at everyone and begging for exercise and attention. If both your parents are at work all day there is NO way in hell that you should be thinking of getting a dog, especially a puppy. It doesn’t matter how big the cage is, you can’t jsut dump a puppy in the cage whilst you go out and live your life. think of it as, your mum and dad have a new baby, but they still go out to work and you still go to school, but ‘it’s ok, we’ve got a big cage!’ Is that baby going to last twenty minutes being left alone, locked up in a huge cage, starving because it’s eaten and drunk all it’s food and water you left, pooing and weeing itself because it doesn’t know to hold it in until mummy and daddy get back ‘it will have a nappy on!’ and it will have a very poorly bottom from being left in a bag of its own poo and wee. Dogs don’t have nappies and when they need to go, they go. You will have to spend at LEAST 6-8 months with it all day everyday. So unless your parents are willing to go to jail for letting you play truent whilst you look after this puppy, I’d think again. They cost a HUGE amount of money. They’re not just big hamsters, they’re babies that will only grow into hyperactive children, are you ready to have a child? are your parents prepared to look after YOUR child whilst you get your education sorted out? I very much doubt it. You can say good bye to all the spare time you have, so when will you get your home work done? And next year you’ll start with coursework, that’s like childbirth! Can you devote 15 years of your life to a furry, four legged, child? Can your parents afford to pay for another child (you cost your parents a HELL of a lot of money, they go to work for you, they’re BOTH working their butts off for YOU. Remember that next time you ask for a ps3, or a labrador)

You have to think about your education and career as well. One thing that’s stopping me from getting a dog, is because I still want to further my education and the type of job I want means moving around the country, it’s a huge decision, the career you want, or a horrible job that will pay so you can have a dog. I’m still deciding.

I hope I’ve helped, because I really don’t think you understand just how much time, effort, patience and money dogs cost. Also, the bigger the dog, the more money will be spent and poop will come out onto your mothers lovely garden. I think it’s best for you to get a dog when you’re an adult earning good wages with time to spare. The same goes for me. It’s sad I know )= Good luck anyway!

Answer #19

Labrador puppies are indeed expensive costing from $400-$1000+. That alone is the cost to purchase an AKC purebred labrador retriever puppy. Labradors are big eaters and tend to sometimes grow up to be pretty big.

Puppies need to also be potty trained. So there will be several accidents inside until the puppy gets the hang of doing his/her business outside.

Labrador retrievers are gentle natured dogs and very loving.

Answer #20

i see you have it :) its cute :D

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