How to use FunAdvice?

ok, so im new on here and have no idea how 2 use this account. I know how 2 like ask questions and answer em. but w/ else do u do on here?? THANX BUNCHES

Answer #1

hey there umm well you see at the top of the webpage it says your username. You can cllick on it and then you can add friends and send fun mail and also leave comments thats pretty much it I think! hope that helped

Answer #2

Well.. that’s basically it =] You ask questions, give advice. Make friends on the way but thats basically it, hence the name ‘Funadvice’. You can join some groups above ^^ . I have one =] And you can edit your profile and tell everyone a little bit about yourself.

Have fun =]


Answer #3

add friends send funmail post comments join groups dont forget to edit profile

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